
Elastic Search meetup Berlin – January 2013

February 1, 2013
Lucene, tfidf, Free Software, elastic search

Elastic Search meetup Berlin – January 2013 # The first meetup this year I went to started with a large bag of good news for Elastic Search users. In the offices of Sys Eleven (thanks for hosting) the meetup started at 7p.m. last Tuesday. Simon Willnauer gave an overview of what to expect of the upcoming major release of Elastic Search: For all 0.20.x version ES features a shard allocator version that is ignorant of which index shards belong to, machine properties, usage patterns. ...

ApacheCon EU - part 09

November 18, 2012
tfidf, Apache Con, ApacheCon, Lucene, ap, apacheconeu, Solr

ApacheCon EU - part 09 # In the Solr track Elastic Search and Solr Cloud went into competition. The comparison itself was slightly apples-and-oranges like as the speaker compared the current ES version based on Lucene 3.x and Solr Cloud based on Lucene 4.0. During the comparison it still turned out that both solutions are more or less comparable - so choice again depends on your application. However I did like the conclusion: The speaker did not pick a clear winner in terms of projects. ...