November 29, 2010
Christmas Scrumtisch # Today the last Scrumtisch Berlin in 2010 took place in Friedrichshain. Thanks to Marion Eickmann and Andrea Tomasini for organising the Scrum user group regularly for the past years.
Though no presentation had been scheduled ahead of time the Scrumtisch was well attended by over twenty people, mostly from companies based in Berlin who are either using Scrum already or are currently in a transition phase.
March 30, 2010
Coaching self-organising teams # Today, the Scrumtisch organised by Marion Eickmann from Agile 42 met in Berlin Friedrichshain. Though no talk was scheduled for this evening the room was packed with guests from various companies and backgrounds interested in participating in discussions on Scrum.
As usual we started collecting topics (timeboxed to five minutes). The list was rather short, however it contained several interesting pieces:
(6) Management buy-in
(6+) CSP - Certified Scrum Professional - what changes compared to the practitioner?