project management

Open development and inner source for fun and profit

May 26, 2017
project management
Open Source, inner source, open development, project management

Open development and inner source for fun and profit # Last in a row if interesting talks at Adobe Open Source Summit was on Open Development/ Inner Source and how it benefits internal projects given by Michael Marth. Note: He knows there’s subtle differences between inner source and open development, but mentioned to use the terms interchangeably in his talk. So what is inner source all about? Essentially: Use all the tools and processes that already work for open source projects, just internally. ...

Note to self - slides for staying sane when maintaining a popular open source project

May 26, 2017
Open Source
Opsen Source, project management

Note to self - slides for staying sane when maintaining a popular open source project # For further reference - Simon MacDonald has a great collection of good advise on how to stay sane when running and maintaining a popular open source project. Link here: Some things he mentioned: Include a README. It should tell people what the project is about but also what the project is not about. ...