
Notes on meetups

September 3, 2024
Checklist, meetup, organiser

Notes on meetup organisation # What feels like decades ago I went to a talk at FOSDEM. One in a dev-room. And one of the very few that proved relevant for many years after. I have no idea what the title was, nor what year it was given, I do believe it ran in the MySQL dev room - in terms of topic it provided an overview on what to do and what to watch out for when organising community meetups. ...

Reboot blogging

April 23, 2024
blog, wordpress, hugo, nikola, meetup

Reboot blogging? # March 2009 - according to the history of the posts that’s when I started writing entries for my own blog. Twitter was three years old and of little more use than sharing where people were at the moment, which food they were eating.YouTube was just four years old. It was also the year I started the Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin, back then in the famous Newthinking Store - a meetup before meetups were called meetups in a co-working space long before the concept of a coworking space gained traction. ...

HowTo: Meetups in Berlin

February 14, 2012
meetup, Checklist, howto, Meetups, General

HowTo: Meetups in Berlin # I get that question once in a while - and need the list below myself every now and then: How to actually setup a meetup in Germany. Essentially it all boils down to three questions: Which channels to use for PR? Where to do the meeting? What other benefits to offer to attendees? When it comes to PR there are several options: Announce the meetup on relevant mailing lists ...