
Apache Con – last day

November 27, 2010
Solr, ApacheCon, Apache Con, fast, MySQL

Apache Con – last day # Day three of Apache Con started with interesting talks on Tomcat 7, including an introduction to the new features of that release. Those include better memory leak prevention and detection capabilities – the implementation of these capabilities have lead to the discovery of various leaks that appear under more or less weird circumstances in famous open source libraries and the JVM itself. But also better management and reporting facilities are part of the new release. ...

Sesat - moving from FAST to Solr

December 1, 2009
Solr, Free Software, Sesat, fast

Sesat - moving from FAST to Solr # The article was first published on Sesat Weblog. As the whole site went down several days ago, I retrieved the content from the Google cache and posted it here for perservation. Update: Original site is up again.

Moving from Fast to Solr

November 19, 2009
Lucene, Solr, Free Software, fast

Moving from Fast to Solr # Sesat has published a nice in-depth report on why to move from Fast to Solr. The article also includes a description of the steps taken to move over as well as several statistics: On a related topic, the following article details, where Apple is using Lucene/Solr to power it’s search. Spoiler: Look at Spotlight, their desktop search, as well as on the iTunes search with about 800 QPS. ...