
Note to self: Clojure with Vim and Maven

July 17, 2012
Hacking, clojure, Cascalog, Note to Self, vim

Note to self: Clojure with Vim and Maven # Steps to get a somewhat working Clojure environment with vim: Install the current vimclojure plugin. Get and install a nailgun client. Add vimclojure to your clojure project pom.xml. Start the nailgun server from within your maven project with mvn clojure:nailgun with the maven clojure plugin. Finally start vim, open your favourite clojure file - you can open a REPL with \sr, when in a function definition you can evaluate that with \et - see also tamining vim clojure ...

Clojure Berlin - March 2012

March 7, 2012
clojure, Cascalog, Hadoop, Event, General

Clojure Berlin - March 2012 # In today’s Clojure meetup Stefan Hübner gave an introduction to Cascalog - a Clojure library based on Cascading for large scale data processing on Apache Hadoop without hassle. After a brief overview of what he is using the tool for to do log processing at his day job for Stefan went into some more detail on why he chose Cascalog over other project that provide abstraction layers on top of Hadoop’s plain map/reduce library: Both Pig and Hive provide easy to learn SQL-like languages to quickly write analysis jobs. ...

Clojure in Berlin

February 2, 2012
clojure, overtone, General

Clojure in Berlin # Though I had the chance to tinker with some Clojure code only briefly it’s programming model and the resulting compact programs do fascinate me. As the resulting code runs on a JVM and does integrate well with existing Java libraries migration is comparably cheap and easy. Today I finally managed to attend the local Berlin Clojure meetup, co-organised by Stefan Hübner and Fronx. Timing couldn’t have been much better: In this evenings event Philip Potter from Thoughtworks introduced Overtone - a library for making music with Clojure. ...