
Presentation shortening

May 15, 2012
Slides, talks, buzzwords, Berlin Buzzwords, shortening

Presentation shortening # In an effort to make more room for more talks in our schedule for this year’s Berlin Buzzwords we’ve asked quite a few people to shorten their presentation from 40min down to 20min. The thought behind it is to not only give more people a chance to talk on their work but also have those shorter talks focused down to the absolute essential information for people to learn. ...

Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Scalability conference June 7th/ 8th in Berlin

May 14, 2010
Lucene, Berlin Buzzwords, buzzwords, Hadoop, NOSQL

Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Scalability conference June 7th/ 8th in Berlin # The Berlin Buzzwords schedule was published a few days ago. There are tracks specific to the three tags search, store and scale. We have a fantastic mixture of developers and users of open source software projects that make scaling data processing today possible. There is Steve Loughran, Aaron Kimball and Stefan Groschupf from the Apache Hadoop community. We have Grant Ingersoll, Robert Muir and the “Generics Policeman” Uwe Schindler from the Lucene community. ...

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010

March 11, 2010
buzzwords, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010 # Today (or more correctly, yesterday) the March 2010 Hadoop Get Together took place in newthinking store. I arrived rather early to have some time to do some planning for Berlin Buzzwords - got there nearly one hour before the meetup. However it did not take very long until first guests came to the store. So I quickly got my introductory slides in place - Martin from newthinking already had the room setup, camera in place and audio working. ...