Time management

Part 3: A polite way to say no - and why there are times when it does not work.

September 7, 2010
Hacking, saying no, energy management, Freetime, Time management

Part 3: A polite way to say no - and why there are times when it does not work. # After having shared my thoughts on how to improve focus and how to track tasks eating up time this post will explain how to keep time invested at a more or less constant level. The goal of this exercise is to keep obligations at a reasonable level - be it at work or during ones spare time. ...

Part 2: Tracking tasks, or - Where the hack did my time go to last week?

September 3, 2010
Hacking, Scrum, Freetime, Time management

Part 2: Tracking tasks, or - Where the hack did my time go to last week? # After summarising some strategies for not loosing track of tasks, meetings and conferences in the last post, this one is going to focus on the retrospect on achievements. If at some point in time you have asked yourself “Where the hack did time go to?” - maybe after two busy weeks of work this article might have a few techniques for you. ...