
The 7 deadly sins of (Java) software developers

January 23, 2010
SwEng, anti-patterns, Scrum, Free Software, Lucene, Hacking, Solr, sin

The 7 deadly sins of (Java) software developers # On Lucid Imaginations Blog Jay Hill published a great article on The seven deadly sins of solr. Basically it is a collection of his experiences “analyzing and evaluating a great many instances of Solr implementations, running in some of the largest Fortune 500 companies”. It is a collection of common mistakes, mis-configurations and pitfalls in Solr installations in production use. ...

Open Source Development is good for you

May 21, 2009
students, Hacking, SwEng, Free Software

Open Source Development is good for you # GSoC (Google summer of code) - one of the open source programs of Google - has started again in 2009. Students come to work for open source projects during the summer and on success are paid by Google a fair amount of money. This program is an ideal oportunity for students to get into open source projects: You get a mentor, you have pre-defined task to work on with a goal you set yourself. ...