August 3, 2012
Data Scientists - researchers’ persectives # “Data scientist” as a term has caught quite some attention as of late (together with all the big data, scalability and cloud hype). Instead of re-hashing arguments seen in other sources I thought it might make more sense to link to a few of the thought provoking posts I came across recently.
In his post Mikio Braun analyses the factors motivating research in academia vs.
September 2, 2009
gnuplot tutorial link # As I am happily watching myself searching for the gnuplot tutorial over and over again - the direct link stored here to save future searching:
March 9, 2009
Basic statistics of a set of values # Just in order to find that when searching for it yet another time:
Problem: You have a set of values (for instance time it took to process various queries). You want a quick overview of how the values are distributed.
Solution: Store the values in a file separated by newline, read the file with R and output summary statistics.
R: times <- scan(“times”, list(0))