
Chris Male on spatial search with Lucene

March 16, 2010
Lucene, Video, Solr, Get Together, Spatial

Chris Male on spatial search with Lucene # Last week the March 2010 Hadoop Get Together took place in Berlin. Last speaker was Chris Male on spatial search with Lucene and Solr. The video is now available online: Lucene Chris Male from Isabel Drost on Vimeo. Feel free to share and distribute the video to anyone who might be interested. Thank you Chris, for traveling over from Amsterdam for an awesome talk on spatial search. ...

Slides are available

March 11, 2010
Hadoop, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Slides are available # Slides for the last Hadoop Get Together are available online: Spatial Search by Chris Male HBase Patterns by Bob Schulze Scaling product search with Hadoop and Lucene by Dragan Milosevic My own little introduction, just in case you are interested. Videos will follow as soon as the are ready. Watch this space for further updates.

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010

March 11, 2010
buzzwords, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010 # Today (or more correctly, yesterday) the March 2010 Hadoop Get Together took place in newthinking store. I arrived rather early to have some time to do some planning for Berlin Buzzwords - got there nearly one hour before the meetup. However it did not take very long until first guests came to the store. So I quickly got my introductory slides in place - Martin from newthinking already had the room setup, camera in place and audio working. ...

March 2010 Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin

January 29, 2010
Berlin, Solr, Hadoop, Get Together, Spatial

March 2010 Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin # This is to announce the next Apache Hadoop Get Together that will take place in newthinking store in Berlin. When: March 10th, 4p.m. Where: Newthinking store Berlin As always there will be slots of 20min each for talks on your Hadoop topic. After each talk there will be a lot time to discuss. You can order drinks directly at the bar in the newthinking store. ...