
Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010

March 11, 2010
buzzwords, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010 # Today (or more correctly, yesterday) the March 2010 Hadoop Get Together took place in newthinking store. I arrived rather early to have some time to do some planning for Berlin Buzzwords - got there nearly one hour before the meetup. However it did not take very long until first guests came to the store. So I quickly got my introductory slides in place - Martin from newthinking already had the room setup, camera in place and audio working. ...

March 2010 Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin

January 29, 2010
Berlin, Solr, Hadoop, Get Together, Spatial

March 2010 Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin # This is to announce the next Apache Hadoop Get Together that will take place in newthinking store in Berlin. When: March 10th, 4p.m. Where: Newthinking store Berlin As always there will be slots of 20min each for talks on your Hadoop topic. After each talk there will be a lot time to discuss. You can order drinks directly at the bar in the newthinking store. ...

The 7 deadly sins of (Java) software developers

January 23, 2010
SwEng, anti-patterns, Scrum, Free Software, Lucene, Hacking, Solr, sin

The 7 deadly sins of (Java) software developers # On Lucid Imaginations Blog Jay Hill published a great article on The seven deadly sins of solr. Basically it is a collection of his experiences “analyzing and evaluating a great many instances of Solr implementations, running in some of the largest Fortune 500 companies”. It is a collection of common mistakes, mis-configurations and pitfalls in Solr installations in production use. ...

Sesat - moving from FAST to Solr

December 1, 2009
Solr, Free Software, Sesat, fast

Sesat - moving from FAST to Solr # The article was first published on Sesat Weblog. As the whole site went down several days ago, I retrieved the content from the Google cache and posted it here for perservation. Update: Original site is up again.

Moving from Fast to Solr

November 19, 2009
Lucene, Solr, Free Software, fast

Moving from Fast to Solr # Sesat has published a nice in-depth report on why to move from Fast to Solr. The article also includes a description of the steps taken to move over as well as several statistics: On a related topic, the following article details, where Apple is using Lucene/Solr to power it’s search. Spoiler: Look at Spotlight, their desktop search, as well as on the iTunes search with about 800 QPS. ...

Solr at AOL

July 2, 2009
Solr, Hacking, Free Software, Software Foundation

Solr at AOL # Grant Ingersoll has posted a very interesting interview with Ian Holsman on Solr at Relegance, now AOL. It describes the business side of the decission to switch to an open source solution, provides some inside on the size of the installation and details which technological reasons have driven the decission to switch from a proprietary implementation to Solr:</ a>