
HowTo: Meetups in Berlin

February 14, 2012
meetup, Checklist, howto, Meetups, General

HowTo: Meetups in Berlin # I get that question once in a while - and need the list below myself every now and then: How to actually setup a meetup in Germany. Essentially it all boils down to three questions: Which channels to use for PR? Where to do the meeting? What other benefits to offer to attendees? When it comes to PR there are several options: Announce the meetup on relevant mailing lists ...

Berlin Tech Meetups

December 9, 2011
Relocating to Berlin, Berlin, Meetups, General

Berlin Tech Meetups # Berlin currently is of growing interest for software engineers, has a very active startup scene and as a result several community organised meetups. Listed below is a short, “highly objective” selection of local user groups - showing just the breadth of topics discussed. Berlin Hadoop Get Together Berlin DevOps Berlin Buzzwords (conference, no meetup) Berlin Scrumtisch Java User Group Berlin/Brandenburg Berlin Google Technology User Group ...

Scaling user groups

May 26, 2010
Lucene, NOSQL, Hadoop, General, Mahout, Berlin Buzzwords, Meetups, Solr, Get Together

Scaling user groups # A few hours ago, Jan Lehnardt posted a link on How to organise a nerd conference - joking that this is how we planned Berlin Buzzwords. Well, it is not exactly that easy - however the comic actually is not so far from the truth either: About two years ago, after having started Apache Mahout together with Grant Ingersoll, Karl Wettin and others, several Apache Hadoop user groups, meetups and get togethers started to pop up all around the world. ...

Hadoop Get Together Berlin @ Apache Con US Barcamp

November 3, 2009
Berlin, ApacheConUS09, Apache Con, Meetups, Get Together

Hadoop Get Together Berlin @ Apache Con US Barcamp # This is my first real day at ApacheCon US 2009. I arrived yesterday afternoon, was kept awake by three Lucene committers until midnight: “Otherwise you will have a very bad jetlag”… Admittedly it did work out: I slept like a baby until about 08:00a.m. the next morning and am not that tired today. Today Hackthon, Trainings and barcamp Apache happen in parallel. ...