
Apache Mahout Meetup Amsterdam

February 19, 2011
Mahout, Apache Mahout, amsterdam, JTeam, General

Apache Mahout Meetup Amsterdam # Last week I was honoured to be invited as one of the two speakers on Apache Mahout at the Mahout meetup in Amsterdam at JTeams offices. After free beer, cola and pizza Frank Scholten gave an overview of Mahout's clustering capabilities. After a brief introduction to Mahout itself he went into a little more detail on how clustering works in general. After that with a selection of Seinfeld scripts he used a fun data set to guide the audience through the process of choosing the right data preparation steps, coming up with good training parameters and finally evaluating clustering quality. ...

CFP - Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - search, score, scale

January 26, 2011
Lucene, Hadoop, Mahout, Berlin, hbase, Berlin Buzzwords

CFP - Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - search, score, scale # This is to announce the Berlin Buzzwords 2011. The second edition of the successful conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany, taking place in Berlin. Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - Search, Store, Scale 6/7 June 2011 The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics: ...

O'Reilly Strata Conference

January 22, 2011
Apache Mahout, Strata, General, Mahout, Speaker, California

O’Reilly Strata Conference # Title: O’Reilly Strata Conference Location: Santa Clara Link out: Click here<br />Description: Early next February O’Reilly is planning to put on a very interesting conference on the topic of data analysis and the business of generating value from raw digital data. I’m really glad to have received the acceptance notification for my presentation and travel sponsorship from the DICODE project. So see you in Santa Clara. ...

Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin - January 2011

December 28, 2010
Lucene, Apache Lucene, Apache Hadoop Get Together, Apache Hadoop, Hadoop, Mahout, Get Together

Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin - January 2011 # This is to announce the next Apache Hadoop Get Together sponsored by Cloudera and Zanox that will take place in the Zanox Event Campus in Berlin. When: January 27th 2011, 6p.m. Where: zanox Event Campus (Please mark the changed event location.) <br />Größere Kartenansicht As always there will be slots of 30min each for talks on your Hadoop topic. After each talk there will be a lot time to discuss. ...

Apache Mahout Hackathon Berlin

December 14, 2010
Mahout, Hadoop

Apache Mahout Hackathon Berlin # Early next year - on February 19th/20th to be more precise - the first Apache Mahout Hackathon is scheduled to take place at c-base. The Hackathon will take one weekend. There will be plenty of time to hack on your favourite Mahout issue, to get in touch with two of the Mahout committers and get your machine learning project off the ground. Please contact isabel@apache. ...

Apache Mahout Podcast

December 13, 2010
Apache Mahout, Mahout, ApacheConNA, Interview, Apache Con, Software Foundation

Apache Mahout Podcast # During Apache Con ATL Michael Coté interviewed Grant Ingersoll on Apache Mahout. The interview is available online as podcast. The interview covers the goals and current use cases of the project, goes into some detail on the reasons for initially starting it. If you are wondering what Mahout is all about, what you can do with it and which direction development is heading, the interview is a great option to find out more. ...

Devoxx – Day 2 HBase

December 9, 2010
adobe, NOSQL, twitter, General, Mahout, facebook, Hacking, hbase, Devoxx

Devoxx – Day 2 HBase # Devoxx featured several interesting case studies of how HBase and Hadoop can be used to scale data analysis back ends as well as data serving front ends. Twitter Dmitry Ryaboy from Twitter explained how to scale high load and large data systems using Cassandra. Looking at the sheer amount of tweets generated each day it becomes obvious that with a system like MySQL alone this site cannot be run. ...

Apache Mahout Meetup in San Jose

December 8, 2010
Mahout, MapR, Bay Area

Apache Mahout Meetup in San Jose # A few hours ago the Mahout Meetup at MapR Technologies in San Jose/CA ended. Two photos taken at the event leaked - happy to be able to publish them here. More information on the discussions and more technical details to follow. Stay tuned.

Devoxx University – MongoDB, Mahout

December 5, 2010
Mahout, mongodb, NOSQL

Devoxx University – MongoDB, Mahout # The second tutorial was given by Roger Bodamer on MongoDB. It concentrates on being horizontally scalable by avoiding joins and complex, multi document transactions. It supports a new data model that allows for flexible, changeable “schemas”. The exact data layout is determined by the types of operations you expect for your application, by the access patterns (reading vs. writing data; types of updates and types of queries). ...

Devoxx Antwerp

December 3, 2010
Java, NOSQL, antwerp, General, Mahout, Software Foundation, Devoxx

Devoxx Antwerp # With 3000 attendees Devoxx is the largest Java Community conference world-wide. Each year in autumn it takes place in Antwerp/ Belgium, in recent years in the Metropolis cinema. The conference tickets were sold out long before doors were opened this year. The focus of the presentations are mainly on enterprise Java featuring talks by famous Joshua Bloch, Mark Reihnhold and others on new features of the upcoming JDK release as well as intricacies of the Java programming language itself. ...