August 3, 2012
Data Scientists - researchers’ persectives # “Data scientist” as a term has caught quite some attention as of late (together with all the big data, scalability and cloud hype). Instead of re-hashing arguments seen in other sources I thought it might make more sense to link to a few of the thought provoking posts I came across recently.
In his post Mikio Braun analyses the factors motivating research in academia vs.
August 6, 2011
Machine learning problem settings # Together with Sebastian Schelter I held a Nokia sponsored (Thank you!) lecture on large scale data analysis and data mining during the past few months. After supervising a few successful university projects based on Apache Mahout the goal of this lecture was to introduce students to some of the basic concepts and problems encountered today in a world where huge datasets are generally available and are easy to process with Apache Hadoop.
October 25, 2010
Machine Learning Gossip Meeting Berlin # This evening the first Machine Learning Gossip meeting is scheduled to take place at 9p.m. at Victoriabar: Professionals working in research advancing machine learning algorithms and industry projects putting machine learning algorithms to practical use meet for some drinks, food and hopefully lots of interesting discussions.
If successful the meeting is supposed to take place on a regular schedule. Ask Michael Brückner for the date and location of the next meetup.
February 15, 2010
MLOSS workshop at ICML accepted # The workshop on machine learning open source software has been accpted. Find further details on the workshop homepage.
Submissions are open until April 10th, Samoa time.