Videos are up

October 22, 2009
JAQL, Hadoop, mapreduce, Lucene, Video, Get Together

Videos are up # As of yesterday the videos of the last Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin are available online. Th anks to the speakers for providing insight in their projects and thanks to Cloudera for sponsoring the videos. The next meetup will be announced soon - three talks have already been proposed. In addition, StudiVZ offered to sponsor video taping of the next Get Together. Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin in December. ...

September 2009 Hadoop Get Together Berlin

August 17, 2009
JAQL, Hadoop, Software Foundation, Lucene, Event, Get Together

September 2009 Hadoop Get Together Berlin # The newthinking store Berlin is hosting the Hadoop Get Together user group meeting. It features talks on Hadoop, Lucene, Solr, UIMA, katta, Mahout and various other projects that deal with making large amounts of data accessible and processable. The event brings together leaders from the developer and user communities. The speakers present projects that build on top of Hadoop, case studies of applications being built and deployed on Hadoop. ...