
Berlin Buzzwords - Early bird registration

April 10, 2010
Lucene, NOSQL, Hadoop, Mahout, hbase, Solr, Berlin Buzzwords, Cassandra

Berlin Buzzwords - Early bird registration # I would like to invite everyone interested in data storage, analysis and search to join us for two days on June 7/8th in Berlin for Berlin Buzzwords - an in-depth, technical, developer-focused conference located in the heart of Europe. Presentations will range from beginner friendly introductions on the hot data analysis topics up to in-depth technical presentations of scalable architectures. Our intention is to bring together users and developers of data storage, analysis and search projects. ...

Working on Mahout as part of your studies at TU Berlin

April 9, 2010
Mahout, TU, Hadoop

Working on Mahout as part of your studies at TU Berlin # Did you ever wonder, who those weird people working on free software projects are? Did you ever ask yourself how these developers organise their work, how they collaborate, which values are important to them? Did you ever think about participating in a free software project yourself but never really had time to do so because your studies were just too time-consuming? ...

Some pictures

March 25, 2010
Berlin, Solr, Hadoop, Get Together

Some pictures # Uwe and Simon were so kind to take some pictures of the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin: <img src="/hadoop_march_1.JPG" alt=“Image Hadoop Get Together Berlin” /> <img src="/hadoop_march_5.JPG" alt=“Image Hadoop Get Together Berlin” /> Thanks for the pictures.

Bob Schulze on Tips and patterns with HBase

March 24, 2010
hbase, Berlin, Video, Hadoop, Get Together

Bob Schulze on Tips and patterns with HBase # At the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin Bob Schulze from eCircle in Munich gave a presentation on “Tips and patterns with HBase”. The talk has been video recorded. The result is now available online: HBase Bob Schulze from Isabel Drost on Vimeo. Feel free to share and distribute the video. Thanks to Bob for an awesome talk on eCircle’s usage of HBase - and on providing some background information on how HBase was applied to solve your problems. ...

Dragan Milosevic on Product Search and Reporting with Hadoop

March 19, 2010
Berlin, Video, Hadoop, Get Together, product search

Dragan Milosevic on Product Search and Reporting with Hadoop # At the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin Dragan Milosevic from zanox in Berlin gave a presentation on “Product Search and Reporting powered by Hadoop”. The talk has been video recorded. The result is now available online: <param name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always” />Hadoop Dragan Milosevic from Isabel Drost on Vimeo. Feel free to share and distribute the video. Thanks to Dragan for a fantastic talk on Zanox’ usage of Hadoop - and on providing some background information on why and how you introduced Hadoop into your systems. ...

Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords

March 11, 2010
Lucene, Berlin Buzzwords, Solr, Hadoop, NOSQL

Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords # Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords http://berlinbuzzwords.de Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Search, Store, Scale 7/8 June 2010 This is to announce the opening of the Berlin Buzzwords 2010 call for presentations. Berlin Buzzwords is the first conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany, taking place in Berlin. The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics: ...

Slides are available

March 11, 2010
Hadoop, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Slides are available # Slides for the last Hadoop Get Together are available online: Spatial Search by Chris Male HBase Patterns by Bob Schulze Scaling product search with Hadoop and Lucene by Dragan Milosevic My own little introduction, just in case you are interested. Videos will follow as soon as the are ready. Watch this space for further updates.

Early bird registration for Berlin Buzzwords on June 7th/8th open

March 9, 2010
Lucene, Berlin Buzzwords, Hadoop, NOSQL

Early bird registration for Berlin Buzzwords on June 7th/8th open # Silently registration was opened in the past days for Berlin Buzzwords - a conference on scaling search, data processing and storage taking place on June 7th/8th in Berlin/ Germany. First 100 tickets will be sold for 250 Euros + tax. Registration is possible at later dates as well, however expect prizes to rise shortly before the conference starts. ...

Alan Atlas at Scrumtisch Berlin

February 17, 2010
S3, Amazon, Scrum, Hadoop

Alan Atlas at Scrumtisch Berlin # At the last Berlin Scrumtisch, @AlanAtlas gave a presentation on how he introduced Scrum at Amazon (starting as early as back in 2004). Introducing Scrum at Amazon by that time seemed natural due to a few factors: Amazon was and is always very customer centric. The original methodology of working backwards in time - that is starting with the press release, from there writing the FAQ and manual and finally get to the code - really made people concentrate on the product. ...