June 21, 2009
Open Street Map @ FSFE meetup # At the last meeting of the local FSFE group here in Berlin Sabine Stengel from cartogis gave a presentation on Open Street Map. But instead of focussing on the technical side she described the legal issues and showed the broad variety of commercial projects that are possible with this type of mapping information.
It was interesting to learn of how detailed and high quality the information provided by volunteers really is.
May 24, 2009
Ken Schwaber in Berlin XBerg # Last week I attended a discussion meetup with Ken Schwaber in Berlin/ Kreuzberg. The event was scheduled pretty shortly
still quite a few developers and project managers from various companies in Berlin showed up.
Ken started with a brief summary of the history of Scrum: Before there was such a thing as an IT industry programming actually was a lot of fun. But somehow the creative job was turned into something people tend to suffer from pretty quickly as people tried to apply principles from manufacturing industries to software “production”.
May 5, 2009
Back from Zürich # I spend the last five days in Zurich. I wanted to visit the city again - and still owed one of my friends there a visit. I am really happy the weather was quite nice over the weekend. That way I could spend quite some time in town (got another one of those puzzles) and go for a hike on the Ütli mountain: I took the steep way up that had quite a lot of stairs.
May 3, 2009
DIMA @ TU Berlin # On Friday, the 24th of April Prof. Volker Markl organised a Welcome Workshop at TU Berlin. The day started with an introduction by the Dekan of the faculty. First talk was given by Rudolf Bayer on the topic “From B-Trees to UB-Trees”. Second presentation was by Guy Lohman on “LEO, DB2’s Learning Optimizer”.
After the coffee break, Volker Markl gave an introduction to his selected research field, outstanding tasks and the way he is going to accomplish his goals.
April 29, 2009
Scrum Table with Thoralf Klatt # On Wednesday, the 22nd of April, about 20 people interested in Scrum gathered in the DiVino in Friedrichshain/Berlin. The event was split in two parts: In the first half we gathered topics participants were interested in, put priorities next the them and discussed the most highly ranked topic: “Scrum in large teams, splitting large tasks across teams."
The basic take home messages of the discussion:
April 29, 2009
Feedback from the Hadoop User Group UK # A few weeks after the Hadoop User Group UK is over, there are quite a few postings on the event online. I will try to keep this page updated if there are any further reviews. The one I found so far:
http://huguk.org/2009/04/huguk-2-wrap-up.html - the wrap-up of the event itself.
http://blog.oskarsson.nu/2009_04_01_archive.html - a short summary by the organiser - Thanks again for a great event.
April 5, 2009
GSoC: Student applications. # Title: GSoC: Student applications closed
Link out: Click here
Description: After this date no more student applications are accepted. Internal ranking at Apache starts 7 days earlier. The ranking process finishes at 16th of April.
Date: 2009-04-03
April 5, 2009
Students begin coding for their GSoC projects # Title: Students begin coding for their GSoC projects
Link out: Click here
Description: GSoC time.
Date: 2009-05-26
March 29, 2009
Apache Con Europe 2009 - part 3 # Friday was the last conference day. I enjoyed the Apache pioneers panel with a brief history of the Apache Software Foundation as well as lots of stories on how people first got in contact with the ASF.
After lunch I went to the testing and cloud session. I enjoyed the talk on continuum and its uses by Wendy Smoak. She gave a basic overview of why one would want a CI system and provided a brief introduction to continuum.
March 29, 2009
Apache Con Europe 2009 - part 2 # Thursday morning started with an interesting talk on open source collaboration tools and how they can help resolving some collaboration overhead on commercial software projects. Four goals can be reached with the help of the right tools: Sharing the project vision, tracking the current status of the project, finding places to help the project and documenting the project history as well as the reasons for decisions along the way.