Visiting the Bundestag

January 10, 2025
Bundestag, Ada und Zangemann, FSFE, German, Berlin

Visiting (and speaking at) the German Bundestag # Many, many years ago, I invited Berlin Buzzwords keynote speakers to join me for lunch pre-conference. For the view – and the impact of the location – I reserved a table at the restaurant that is located atop the Reichstags-building here in Berlin. If back then anyone had told me that one day I’d get an invitation to speak as an expert in the committee for digital issues of the German Bundestag, I wouldn’t have believed a single word! ...

I love FS 2014

February 13, 2014
valentine, FSFE, i_love_fs

I love FS 2014 # It’s that day of the year again: Time to buy flowers and chocolate for your beloved one. However as with previous years, FSFE wants you to put the day to good use to also celebrate your favourite free software developer (you know, the people who get way more bug reports and complaints than positive feedback): So here’s to the people over at Apache, Debian, Eclipse, Elasticsearch, Linux, ZeroMQ and the many other projects that make my life easier: Happy I love Free Software Day - get yourself celebrated! ...

Moving to a new domain

September 12, 2012
kernel, travelling teddy, dresden, wedding, FSFE, General, Linux, Apache

Moving to a new domain # Executive summary: This is to warn those of you who are subscribed to this blog - the domain to reach this blog w/o redirects will soon change to by isabel-drost-fromm.de - you might want to adjust your rss subscription accordingly. Longer version: This blog post is scheduled to go live some time after lunch-time on September 12th 2012. You might have heart rumors before - that date Ms. ...

FrOSCon 2012

July 31, 2012
Science, embedded, FrOSCon, FSFE, Event

FrOSCon 2012 # On August 25th/26th the Free and Open Source Conference (FrOSCon) will again kick off in Sankt Augustin/ Germany. The event is completely community organised, hosted by the FH Sankt Augustin. It covers a broad range of free software topics like Arduino microcontrollers, git goodies, politics, strace, open nebula, wireshark and others. Three highlights that are on my schedule: I’ll make sure I do not miss Thilo Fromm’s presentation on building a platform project on top of Open Embedded. ...

Happy Valentine

February 14, 2012
Free Software, FSFE

Happy Valentine # Free Software developers can be very critical: Every single line of code gets scrutinized, every design is reviewed by several often opinionated people. Even the way communities are supposed to work sometimes gets restricted. Sometimes a simple Thank You can make all the difference for any contributor or committer. FSFE proposed a really nice campaign: Celebrate the “I love Free Software” - Day on February 14th. In the hope that some of the readers of this blog actively develop or contribute to free software projects - this is a thank you for you! ...

February 14th: "I love free software day"

February 13, 2012
Free Software, Software Foundation, FSFE, patches

February 14th: “I love free software day” # This year FSFE is once again running their I love free software campaign on February 14th: The goal they put up is to have more love reports, hugs and Thank You messages sent out than bug reports filed against projects. They have put online a few ideas on what to do that day. I’d like to add one additional option: If you are using any free software and you feel the urgent need to file a bug report on that day, use the opportunity to submit a patch as well: Make sure to not only describe what is going wrong but add a patch that contains a test to show the issue and a code modification that fixes the issue, is compatible with the project’s coding guidelines, doesn’t break anything else in the project. ...

Apache Dinner DUS

August 17, 2010
Free Software, FSFE, General, Dinner, Freetime, DUS, Software Foundation

Apache Dinner DUS # the evening after FrOSCon - that is on August 22nd 2010 at 7:30p.m. CEST - a combined “FSFE Fellowship meetup/ Apache dinner*” takes place in Tigges in Düsseldorf (Brunnenstraße 1, at Bilker S-Bahnhof). Given it doesn’t rain, we’ll be sitting outside. Would be great to meet you there for tasty food, interesting discussions on Apache in general, as well as projects like Lucene, Hadoop or Tomcat in particular. ...

Chemnitzer Linuxtage

March 5, 2010
Linux, Free Software, Chemnitz, FSFE, General

Chemnitzer Linuxtage # Title: Chemnitzer Linuxtage Location: Chemnitz Link out: Click here Start Date: 2010-03-13 End Date: 2010-03-14 Next week the Chemnither Linuxtage take place in - well - Chemnitz. It is the second largest Linux event after Linuxtag Berlin. However only obvious for speakers and exhibitors: It is one of those events that are known for its fantastic organisation. Nearly no problems, be it WiFi, admission to the exhibitors area, food or any help in general. ...

Fellow now

August 23, 2009
Free Software, FSFE

Fellow now # After two years volunteering as booth staff for the FSFE at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage explaining the advantages of becoming a FSFE fellow I am a fellow myself for two days ;) I first got in contact with the FSFE through Fernanda Weiden during my time in Zürich in 2006. In the meantime I have learned more and more about the political activities of FSFE: Mostly during the local Berlin meetups in newthinking store and as a booth member in Chemnitz. ...

Open Street Map @ FSFE meetup

June 21, 2009
Open Street Map, Free Software, FSFE, General

Open Street Map @ FSFE meetup # At the last meeting of the local FSFE group here in Berlin Sabine Stengel from cartogis gave a presentation on Open Street Map. But instead of focussing on the technical side she described the legal issues and showed the broad variety of commercial projects that are possible with this type of mapping information. It was interesting to learn of how detailed and high quality the information provided by volunteers really is. ...