
ApacheConEU - part 08

November 17, 2012
ApacheCon, Apache Con, community, CouchDB, apacheconeu

ApacheConEU - part 08 # Jan Lehnardt’s talk covered the history of CouchDB - including lessons learnt along the way. The first issue he went into: Shipping 1.0 is hard! They spent a lot of effort and time in order to have a stable database that won’t loose your data - only to have a poorly patch slip in for 1.0 that resulted in data loss. The fury of action happening afterwards was truely amazing - people working on rolling shifts all over the planet to not only fix the issue but also provide recovery tooling for those affected by the bug. ...


June 23, 2010
CouchDB, Free Software, scalability

Scalability # For Berlin Buzzwords we concentrated pretty heavily on scalable systems and architectures: We had talks on Hadoop for scaling data analysis; HBase, Cassandra and Hypertable for scaling data storage; Lucene and Solr for scaling search. A recurring pattern was people telling success stories involving project that either involve large amounts of data or growing user numbers. Of course the whole topic of scalability is extremely interesting for ambitious developers: Who would not be happy to solve internet-scale problems, have petabytes of data at his fingertips or tell others that their “other computer is a data center”. ...

Dev House Berlin 2.0

October 4, 2009
Camp, Hacking, CouchDB, Hadoop, dhb

Dev House Berlin 2.0 # This weekend DevHouseBerlin took place in the Box119, kindly organized by Jan Lehnardt, sponsored by Upstream and StudiVZ. There were about 30 people gathered in Friedrichshain, hacking and discussing various projects: Mostly Python/ Django, Ruby/ Rails and Erlang people. The first day was reserved for hacking and exchanging ideas. Late afternoon attendees put together a list of talks that were than rated, ranked with the top three chosen for presentation on Sunday. ...