February 8, 2012
Apache Mahout 0.6 released # As of Monday, February 6th a new Apache Mahout version was released. The new package features
Lots of performance improvments:
A new LDA implementation using Collapsed Variational Bayes 0th Derivative Approximation - try that out if you have been bothered by the way less than optimal performance of the old version.
Improved Decision Tree performance and added support for regression problems
Reduced runtime of dot product between vectors - many algorithms in Mahout rely on that, so these performance improvements will affect anyone using them.
December 6, 2010
Devoxx – University – Cassandra, HBase # During the morning session FIXME Ellison gave an introduction to the distributed NoSQL database Cassandra. Being generally based on the Dynamo paper from Amazon the key-value store distributes key/value pairs according to a consistent hashing schema. Nodes can be added dynamically making the system well suited for elastic scaling. In contrast to Dynamo, Cassandra can be tuned for the required consistency level. The system is tuned for storing moderately sized key/value pairs.
April 10, 2010
Berlin Buzzwords - Early bird registration # I would like to invite everyone interested in data storage, analysis and search to join us for two days on June 7/8th in Berlin for Berlin Buzzwords - an in-depth, technical, developer-focused conference located in the heart of Europe. Presentations will range from beginner friendly introductions on the hot data analysis topics up to in-depth technical presentations of scalable architectures.
Our intention is to bring together users and developers of data storage, analysis and search projects.