January 31, 2010
Hadoop at Heise c’t # <surreptitious_advertising>
Interesting for those readers speaking German: Heise published an introductory article on Hadoop in its latest issue. Have fun reading.
Thanks to Simon for proof-reading and providing valuable input. Thanks to Thilo Fromm for the hadoop graphics (unfortunately none of them got published in its original form), the catchy title, proof-reading the text over and over again and for keeping me sane during several past and coming months.
January 29, 2010
March 2010 Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin # This is to announce the next Apache Hadoop Get Together that will take place in newthinking store in Berlin.
When: March 10th, 4p.m.
Where: Newthinking store Berlin
As always there will be slots of 20min each for talks on your Hadoop topic. After each talk there will be a lot time to discuss. You can order drinks directly at the bar in the newthinking store.
January 18, 2010
Apache Dinner January 2010 # This evening in X-Berg several local committers met for the second “Apache Dinner” - an informal gathering of local Apache committers, friends and associates for food, beer and interesting discussions. Next one is probably to be scheduled some time in February. Feel free to send a message to Torsten Curdt to be included on the next invitation mail. Thanks for organizing a nice evening, Torsten.
January 6, 2010
How much of Scrum is implemented? # I have started using Scrum for various purposes: It has inspired the way software is developed at my current employer. I use it to organize a students’ project at university. In addition we are using it at home to get all personal tasks (preparing breakfast, doing the laundry, meeting with friends…) in line for each week.
Constantly looking for ways to evaluate, refine and improve work - I am also looking for ideas on how to evaluate which aspects of the Scrum implementation can actually be improved.
January 5, 2010
Third “December Hadoop Get Together” video online # In the following video taken at the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin Jörg Möllenkamp explains why Hadoop is interesting for Sun - and why Sun Hardware might be a good fit for Hadoop applications:
Hadoop Jörg Möllenkamp from Isabel Drost on Vimeo.
In a blog post published after the event, Jörg gives more details on his idea of Parasitic Hadoop he introduced at the meetup.
January 3, 2010
Second December Hadoop Get Together video # Richard Hutton from nugg.ad explained how they scaled their ad recommendation system to an increasing number of users with the help of Hadoop. To learn more on their use case and details on which problems they solved with Hadoop, watch the video below:
Hadoop Richard Hutton from Isabel Drost on Vimeo.
December 31, 2009
With a little help from my friends # The end of the year 2009 is quickly approaching. To me it feels a little like it ran away far too quickly. So instead of taking part in the annual review of past events, I would like to use it as an opportunity to say thank you: The past twelve months were a lot of fun with lots of interesting, nice people from all over the world.
December 31, 2009
First December Apache Hadoop Berlin video online # The video of Nikolaus’ Pohle’s talk at the December Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin is online already - more to come soon.
hadoop nikolaus pohle from Isabel Drost on Vimeo.
Thanks to Martin from newthinking for video taping and uploading. Thanks to StudiVZ for sponsoring the video.
December 18, 2009
Winter arrived at Berlin # Finally winter seems to have arrived at Berlin as well:
Looks a little like Christmas is drawing closer. Only disadvantage of the weather: One of the breaks of my bike was frozen after very few minutes. Luckily for me, my bike has one of those old-fashioned back pedal brakes ;)
December 16, 2009
Summary - December Get Together # Today the seventh Apache Hadoop Get Together took place in Berlin. The room was again packed with more than 40 people from various companies with and without practical experience with Hadoop: There were people from Nokia Gate 5, Sun, nurago, StudiVZ, Dawanda, Last.fm, nugg.ad. There were people from academia, e.g. HPI Potsdam. And a few Freelancers interested in the topic or providing help with Hadoop.