April 19, 2010
Apache Dinner - April 2010 # Today, the April Apache Dinner took place in Berlin. We met at Sadhu - an Indian restaurant in Berlin X-Berg. We were six people: Lars Trieloff from Day Software, Simon Willnauer and Vera from Lucene, Torsten Curdt - currently Freelancer and Daniel Naber from Lucene as well.
With great food, nice discussions and a first glimpse on the submissions for Berlin Buzzwords it quickly got later and later :)
April 12, 2010
Apache Dinner Berlin - next Monday # Next Monday at 7p.m. the April Apache Dinner Berlin is scheduled to take place. Thanks to Torsten Curdt for organising the dinner - as in: Contacting people, finding a suitable data, booking the location etc.
Looking forward to another nice evening at an awesome restaurant with tasty indian food. If you’d like to join us, please contact Torsten to be included in the next announcement mail.
March 30, 2010
Coaching self-organising teams # Today, the Scrumtisch organised by Marion Eickmann from Agile 42 met in Berlin Friedrichshain. Though no talk was scheduled for this evening the room was packed with guests from various companies and backgrounds interested in participating in discussions on Scrum.
As usual we started collecting topics (timeboxed to five minutes). The list was rather short, however it contained several interesting pieces:
(6) Management buy-in
(6+) CSP - Certified Scrum Professional - what changes compared to the practitioner?
March 25, 2010
Some pictures # Uwe and Simon were so kind to take some pictures of the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin:
<img src="/hadoop_march_1.JPG" alt=“Image Hadoop Get Together Berlin” />
<img src="/hadoop_march_5.JPG" alt=“Image Hadoop Get Together Berlin” />
Thanks for the pictures.
March 24, 2010
Bob Schulze on Tips and patterns with HBase # At the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin Bob Schulze from eCircle in Munich gave a presentation on “Tips and patterns with HBase”. The talk has been video recorded. The result is now available online:
HBase Bob Schulze from Isabel Drost on Vimeo.
Feel free to share and distribute the video. Thanks to Bob for an awesome talk on eCircle’s usage of HBase - and on providing some background information on how HBase was applied to solve your problems.
March 19, 2010
Dragan Milosevic on Product Search and Reporting with Hadoop # At the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin Dragan Milosevic from zanox in Berlin gave a presentation on “Product Search and Reporting powered by Hadoop”. The talk has been video recorded. The result is now available online:
<param name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always” />Hadoop Dragan Milosevic from Isabel Drost on Vimeo.
Feel free to share and distribute the video. Thanks to Dragan for a fantastic talk on Zanox’ usage of Hadoop - and on providing some background information on why and how you introduced Hadoop into your systems.
March 11, 2010
Third Apache Dinner Berlin # Today the third Dinner for Apache committers and friends took place in Berlin. We met in Schöneberg at Marcello Berlin for pizza, pasta, wine, beer … and lots of discussions.
It always surprises me to see how many Apache related people there are in Berlin. This time we had Peter from Tomcat, Daniel and Simon with Vera from Lucene, Eric from http components, four guys from the svn project (Welcome again at the ASF), Oswald and myself and Thilo.
February 23, 2010
Preliminary schedule online for ignite Berlin # Today first talks scheduled for ignite Berlin were published. If you yourself would like to give a talk: Submission seems to still be open.
February 11, 2010
Berlin Buzzwords - June 2010 # As announced at FOSDEM: Early June (currently scheduled for 7th/8th) a conference on the topics scalable search, storage and processing will take place in Kalkscheune/Berlin. The conference is co-organised by newthinking store, Jan Lehnardt, Simon Willnauer, Thilo Fromm, and Isabel Drost.
The focus will be on NoSQL databases like CouchDB, Jackrabbit, MongoDB, HBase. Search tracks will cover topics like Lucene, Solr, katta and others.
February 11, 2010
Apache Hadoop Get Together - March 2010 - Update # Due to conflicts in the schedule of newthinking store, we had to change the time of the Get Together slightly. We will start one hour earlier than announced.
When: March 10th, 4p.m.
Where: newthinking store, Tucholskystr. 48, Berlin Mitte
Looking forward to seeing you there.