May 14, 2010
Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Scalability conference June 7th/ 8th in Berlin # The Berlin Buzzwords schedule was published a few days ago. There are tracks specific to the three tags search, store and scale. We have a fantastic mixture of developers and users of open source software projects that make scaling data processing today possible.
There is Steve Loughran, Aaron Kimball and Stefan Groschupf from the Apache Hadoop community. We have Grant Ingersoll, Robert Muir and the “Generics Policeman” Uwe Schindler from the Lucene community.
April 11, 2010
Berlin Buzzwords - End of CfP drawing closer # One week to go for submitting a talk on your favourite NoSQL topic, your favourite search application or your most interesting data analysis task: The call for presentations for Berlin Buzzwords ends on April 17th, that is Sunday next week.
Shortly after the last talk was submitted we will start announcing speakers - final list of speakers is to be expected by the start of May, final schedule will be published shortly after that.
April 10, 2010
Berlin Buzzwords - Early bird registration # I would like to invite everyone interested in data storage, analysis and search to join us for two days on June 7/8th in Berlin for Berlin Buzzwords - an in-depth, technical, developer-focused conference located in the heart of Europe. Presentations will range from beginner friendly introductions on the hot data analysis topics up to in-depth technical presentations of scalable architectures.
Our intention is to bring together users and developers of data storage, analysis and search projects.
March 11, 2010
Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords # Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords
Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Search, Store, Scale
7/8 June 2010
This is to announce the opening of the Berlin Buzzwords 2010 call for presentations. Berlin Buzzwords is the first conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany, taking place in Berlin.
The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics:
March 9, 2010
Early bird registration for Berlin Buzzwords on June 7th/8th open # Silently registration was opened in the past days for Berlin Buzzwords - a conference on scaling search, data processing and storage taking place on June 7th/8th in Berlin/ Germany. First 100 tickets will be sold for 250 Euros + tax. Registration is possible at later dates as well, however expect prizes to rise shortly before the conference starts.
February 11, 2010
Berlin Buzzwords - June 2010 # As announced at FOSDEM: Early June (currently scheduled for 7th/8th) a conference on the topics scalable search, storage and processing will take place in Kalkscheune/Berlin. The conference is co-organised by newthinking store, Jan Lehnardt, Simon Willnauer, Thilo Fromm, and Isabel Drost.
The focus will be on NoSQL databases like CouchDB, Jackrabbit, MongoDB, HBase. Search tracks will cover topics like Lucene, Solr, katta and others.