January 13, 2012
Berlin Buzzwords 2012 - Call for submissions # The countdown started several weeks ago - finally in the past days the date for Berlin Buzzwords was announced, the call for submissions published. It’s exciting to see that the first talk is in already. Looking forward to yours.
Compared to last year there are two changes: Submissions are no longer evaluated by Jan, Simon and myself only. Due to the large number of talks submitted last year we reached out for help to be able to split the task of reviewing talks.
February 21, 2011
Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords - one more week to go # As a little reminder: the Call for presentations of Berlin Buzzwords will close next week on Tuesday, March 1st. Submissions on scalable search, data storage and analysis are all welcome. We are looking for presentations on the core technologies such as Apache Hadoop, CouchDB, Lucene, Redis, Voldemort but also talks on interesting use cases and system architectures.
January 26, 2011
CFP - Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - search, score, scale # This is to announce the Berlin Buzzwords 2011. The second edition of the successful conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany,
taking place in Berlin.
Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords
Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - Search, Store, Scale
6/7 June 2011
The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics:
June 14, 2010
Velocity update # After Berlin Buzzwords is over now, I thought it might be time to update a formerly published velocity graph. If you have been following this blog during the past few months you may know already, that we are using Scrum @ Home for several months already. I even published results of a Scrum Nokia test earlier this year.
Today I created another one of these nice velocity charts.
June 13, 2010
My highly subjective Berlin Buzzwords recap # Last November I innocently asked Grant what it would take to make him to give a talk in Berlin. The only requirement he told me was that I’d have to pay for his flight. About eight months later we had Berlin Buzzwords - a conference all around the topics scalability, data storage and search. With Simon Willnauer, Uwe Schindler, Michael Busch, Robert Muir, Grant Ingersoll, Andrzej Bialecki and many others we had quite a few Lucene people in town.
June 9, 2010
Apache Dinner June 2010 # After Berlin Buzzwords was over yesterday - and as there is an svn conference in the city that starts tomorrow, we thought we could easily put together a smallish Apache Dinner for tonight. So Torsten mailed a few people, booked some space at Heinz Minki in Kreuzberg. We announced it at the end of the conference and invited people to join us.
So after a beautiful day out I spent the evening with a bunch of Apache related guys and girls having drinks and great pizza: We had several svn committers, Greg Stein met us there - he arrived today for the svn conference.
June 3, 2010
Apache Dinner after Berlin Buzzwords # Staying in town after Berlin Buzzwords? Interested in meeting with the Apache folks here? Torsten Curdt kindly organises an Apache Dinner on Wednesday evening after Berlin Buzzwords. If you would like to participate, contact Torsten for details on when and where it will take place.
Though named Apache dinner, there is no need to be Apache committer or even member to participate: Being generally interested in Apache projects and in meeting the guys behind the project is totally sufficient.
May 26, 2010
Scaling user groups # A few hours ago, Jan Lehnardt posted a link on How to organise a nerd conference - joking that this is how we planned Berlin Buzzwords. Well, it is not exactly that easy - however the comic actually is not so far from the truth either:
About two years ago, after having started Apache Mahout together with Grant Ingersoll, Karl Wettin and others, several Apache Hadoop user groups, meetups and get togethers started to pop up all around the world.
May 21, 2010
Going to Berlin Buzzwords # Meet me in two weeks at Berlin Buzzwords. As you may have noticed, together with Simon Willnauer, Jan Lehnardt and newthinking communications I am organising Berlin Buzzwords - a conference on scalable search, data analysis and storage.
<img src=“ http://berlinbuzzwords.de/sites/berlinbuzzwords.de/files/buzzwords_banner.jpg" alt=“I’m going to Berlin Buzzwords
the conference on searching, processing and storing data.”/>
There are a few regular tickets left, so don’t wait too long to register.
May 20, 2010
Solving puzzles # Like most software developers I like tasks that involve solving more or less complex problems analytically. Most developers I know love puzzles - either those that involve dis-entangling metal rings, or those involving putting wooden pieces back into order, or even solving Rubik’s cube:
Working on the schedule for Berlin Buzzwords, I noticed that coming up with a good schedule actually has a lot more in common with solving puzzles that one is usually aware of: First of all talks on similar or related topics should not take place at the same time.