
ApacheCon Oakland Roundup

November 19, 2009
press, Apache Con, Software Foundation, ApacheConUS09

ApacheCon Oakland Roundup # Two weeks ago ApacheCon US 2009 ended in Oakland California. Shane published a set of links to articles that contain information on what happened at Apache Con. Some of them are officially published by the Apache PRC project, others are write-ups of individuals on which talks they attended and which topics they considered particularly interesting.

Apache Con US Wrap Up

November 16, 2009
Mahout, Apache Con, Software Foundation, ApacheConUS09

Apache Con US Wrap Up # some weeks ago I attended ApacheConUS09 in Oakland/ California. In the mean time, videos of one of the sessions have been published online: You can find a wrap up of the most prominent topics at the conference at heise (unfortunately Germany-only). By far the largest topics at the conference: Lucene - there was a meetup with over 100 attendees as well as two main tracks with Lucene focussed talks. ...

Lucene Meetup Oakland

November 4, 2009
Lucene, Apache Con, ApacheConUS09

Lucene Meetup Oakland # Though pretty late in the evening the room is packed with some 100 people. Most of them solr or pure lucene java users. There are quite a few Lucene committers at the meetup from all over the world. Several even have heard about Mahout - some even used it :) Some introductiory questions to index sizes and query volumn: 1 Mio documents seem pretty standard for Lucene deployments - several people run 10 Mio neither. ...

Hadoop Get Together Berlin @ Apache Con US Barcamp

November 3, 2009
Berlin, ApacheConUS09, Apache Con, Meetups, Get Together

Hadoop Get Together Berlin @ Apache Con US Barcamp # This is my first real day at ApacheCon US 2009. I arrived yesterday afternoon, was kept awake by three Lucene committers until midnight: “Otherwise you will have a very bad jetlag”… Admittedly it did work out: I slept like a baby until about 08:00a.m. the next morning and am not that tired today. Today Hackthon, Trainings and barcamp Apache happen in parallel. ...