November 19, 2009
ApacheCon Oakland Roundup # Two weeks ago ApacheCon US 2009 ended in Oakland California. Shane published a set of links to articles that contain information on what happened at Apache Con. Some of them are officially published by the Apache PRC project, others are write-ups of individuals on which talks they attended and which topics they considered particularly interesting.
November 16, 2009
Apache Con US Wrap Up # some weeks ago I attended ApacheConUS09 in Oakland/ California. In the mean time, videos of one of the sessions have been published online:
You can find a wrap up of the most prominent topics at the conference at heise (unfortunately Germany-only).
By far the largest topics at the conference:
Lucene - there was a meetup with over 100 attendees as well as two main tracks with Lucene focussed talks.
November 4, 2009
Lucene Meetup Oakland # Though pretty late in the evening the room is packed with some 100 people. Most of them solr or pure lucene java users. There are quite a few Lucene committers at the meetup from all over the world. Several even have heard about Mahout - some even used it :)
Some introductiory questions to index sizes and query volumn: 1 Mio documents seem pretty standard for Lucene deployments - several people run 10 Mio neither.
November 3, 2009
Hadoop Get Together Berlin @ Apache Con US Barcamp # This is my first real day at ApacheCon US 2009. I arrived yesterday afternoon, was kept awake by three Lucene committers until midnight: “Otherwise you will have a very bad jetlag”… Admittedly it did work out: I slept like a baby until about 08:00a.m. the next morning and am not that tired today.
Today Hackthon, Trainings and barcamp Apache happen in parallel.