Apache Dinner Berlin

Apache Dinner Berlin - next Monday

April 12, 2010
Berlin, Software Foundation, Apache Dinner Berlin

Apache Dinner Berlin - next Monday # Next Monday at 7p.m. the April Apache Dinner Berlin is scheduled to take place. Thanks to Torsten Curdt for organising the dinner - as in: Contacting people, finding a suitable data, booking the location etc. Looking forward to another nice evening at an awesome restaurant with tasty indian food. If you’d like to join us, please contact Torsten to be included in the next announcement mail. ...

Third Apache Dinner Berlin

March 11, 2010
Berlin, Dinner, Software Foundation, Apache Dinner Berlin

Third Apache Dinner Berlin # Today the third Dinner for Apache committers and friends took place in Berlin. We met in Schöneberg at Marcello Berlin for pizza, pasta, wine, beer … and lots of discussions. It always surprises me to see how many Apache related people there are in Berlin. This time we had Peter from Tomcat, Daniel and Simon with Vera from Lucene, Eric from http components, four guys from the svn project (Welcome again at the ASF), Oswald and myself and Thilo. ...