March 9, 2009
Basic statistics of a set of values # Just in order to find that when searching for it yet another time:
Problem: You have a set of values (for instance time it took to process various queries). You want a quick overview of how the values are distributed.
Solution: Store the values in a file separated by newline, read the file with R and output summary statistics.
R: times <- scan(“times”, list(0))
March 8, 2009
Scrum @ Home # Scrum has proven to be a suitable toolset for managing software projects: Large, unmanageable tasks are broken up into little pieces that can be easily estimated in terms of complexity or time necessary for implementation. During a fixed amount of time, several of these tasks are implemented. By looking back at previous iterations it is simple to predict exactly how many items can be expected to be ready after the next iteration.
March 7, 2009
Hadoop User Group UK # Title: Hadoop User Group UK
Location: London/ Sun Office
Link out: Click here
Date: 2009-04-14<br />
Johan Oskarsson is organising the second Hadoop User Group UK in London in April this year. The schedule is already up:
Tom White (Cloudera): Practical MapReduce
Michael Stack (Powerset): Apache HBase
Isabel Drost (ASF): Introducing Apache Mahout
Iadh Ounis and Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow): Terrier
Paolo Castagna (HP): “Having Fun with PageRank and MapReduce”
March 7, 2009
FSFE Meetup Berlin # Title: FSFE Meetup Berlin
Location: newthinking store
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2009-03-12
The FSFE Berlin group is going to meet next Thursday. Topics to discuss at the next Get Together are
Document Freedom Day activities.
This year is the year of elections in Germany. How do we get the topic of Free Software into the discussion?
Feel free to visit the wiki, drop by and take part in the discussions.
March 7, 2009
Scrum discussions in Berlin # As software development cycles become ever shorter more and more companies adopt agile development methods. In many cases companies have switched to using Scrum or are still transitioning from less flexible approaches.
Since last summer Marion Eickmann is organising a Scrum Roundtable in Berlin. The goal is to discuss advantages and problems when introducing and practicing Scrum. But discussions on Scrum itself are also welcome.
March 7, 2009
March 2009 Hadoop Get Together Berlin # Since last summer, newthinking store Berlin is hosting a Hadoop Meetup every quarter of the year. The scope of these user group meetings is not only on Hadoop projects but deals with technologies necessary with storing, processing and searching large amounts of data.
The meeting last Thursday featured a talk by Lars George on his experiences using HBase in customer projects as early as in 2007.
March 4, 2009
About # This is the blog of Isabel. I am committer at Apache Mahout. In my free time I am working on Apache Mahout, organising the Apache Hadoop Get Together in Berlin and speaking at various conferences explaining the ins and outs of Hadoop in general and Mahout in particular.
Disclaimer: I am writing this blog with my “Apache hat” on my head. The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer’s view in any way.