Inductive Bias

First NoSQL Meetup in Germany

September 9, 2009
newthinking, NOSQL, General, Berlin, Camp, Software Foundation

First NoSQL Meetup in Germany # On October 22nd 2009 the first NoSQL Meetup Germany is going to take place in newthinking store/ Berlin: Please submit your presentation proposals until September 22nd, accepted speakers will be notified soon after. If you would like to sponsor the event, feel free to contact us: We would be very happy to provide videos after the event and free drinks for everyone during the event. ...

Two days on Rügen

September 6, 2009
Freetime, trip

Two days on Rügen # Below: Sunday morning on Rügen, feet in the East Sea. It looks colder than it actually was: Air was about 17 °C, but the water was fine. At least for my feet. Thanks to the colleague who sold two spare tickets for the Störtebecker Festspiele last Thursday and caused us to drive to isle Rügen yesterday afternoon.

Apache Con drawing closer

September 4, 2009
Hacking, Apache Con, Software Foundation, Apache Con US

Apache Con drawing closer # By November I will be traveling to Oakland - for me it is the first Apache Con US ever. And the first Apache Con I will be giving a talk in one of the main tracks: I will be presenting Apache Mahout, give an overview of the project, of our current status and explain which problems can be solved with the current implementation. The talks will conclude with an outlook to upcoming tasks and features our users can expect in the near future. ...

gnuplot tutorial link

September 2, 2009
Hacking, Statistics, gnuplot

gnuplot tutorial link # As I am happily watching myself searching for the gnuplot tutorial over and over again - the direct link stored here to save future searching:

Inglourious Basterds

August 24, 2009
Mahout, Odeon, Software Foundation, cinema

Inglourious Basterds # This evening I went to the cinema Odeon in Berlin Schöneberg. It is a pretty traditional, old-fashioned and very lovely cinema that has specialised on showing non-dubbed, original versions of movies. Showing the great movie Inglourious Basterds, the cinema was completely sold out today. Fortunately we were able to grab some of the last tickets. Just in case the entrance seemed familiar to those who have attended a Mahout presentation in the recent past - a picture of the Odeon usually visualises one part of my motivation on the Mahout slides ;)

Apache Hadoop Event Blog

August 24, 2009
Hadoop, Event, Software Foundation

Apache Hadoop Event Blog # As Apache Hadoop becomes ever more popular both in industry as well as in research, user groups, conferences and hacking days are being scheduled around the world. The goal of the event calendar blog hosted on is to provide a common space for organizers to announce their events and potential participants to look for new conferences.

Fellow now

August 23, 2009
Free Software, FSFE

Fellow now # After two years volunteering as booth staff for the FSFE at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage explaining the advantages of becoming a FSFE fellow I am a fellow myself for two days ;) I first got in contact with the FSFE through Fernanda Weiden during my time in Zürich in 2006. In the meantime I have learned more and more about the political activities of FSFE: Mostly during the local Berlin meetups in newthinking store and as a booth member in Chemnitz. ...

Flying back home from Cologne

August 23, 2009
Mahout, Germany, Free Software, Software Foundation, FrOSCon

Flying back home from Cologne # Last weekend FrOSCon took place in Sankt Augustin, near Cologne. FrOSCon is organized on a yearly basis at the university of applied sciences in Sankt Augustin. It is a volunteer driven event with the goal of bringing developers and users of free software projects together. This year, the conference featured 5 tracks, two examples being cloud computing and the Java track. Unfortunately this year the conference started with a little surprise for me and my boyfriend: Being both speakers, we had booked a room in Hotel Regina via the conference committee. ...

Converting a git repo to svn

August 17, 2009
svn, Hacking, git

Converting a git repo to svn # Pretty unlikely though it may seem, but there are cases when one might want to convert a git repo to svn and still keep all revisions intact. There is a nice explanation online on how to do that in the Google Open Source blog.