October 4, 2009
One year coding with “Das Keyboard” # Little more than a year ago, I got myself a keyboard from newthinking store. The special thing about it: It is completely black, except for three blue LEDs. With completely I mean no labels on any key:
My main motivation to buy the thing was not the missing labels (although that certainly does make it a cool gadget). I am typing 8h at work and do spend quite a bit of time in front of my laptop after work as well.
September 30, 2009
Slides are up # The slides for yesterday’s talks just arrived. They are available online at:
Isabel Drost: Brief introduction.
Thorsten Schuett: Solving puzzles with map reduce.
Thilo Goetz: An introduction to jaql.
Uwe Schindler: Lucene 2.9 developments.
Videos will be online early next week.
September 29, 2009
Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin # The Get Together started just a few minutes ago. The room is packed with more than 35 people this time. This is the first Hadoop Get Together in Berlin that will be recorded on video, thanks to Martin from newthinking for doing the recording and post processing as well as to Cloudera for sponsoring the videos.
The first talk was given by Thorsten Schuett on solving puzzles with map reduce.
September 29, 2009
AWS User Group Berlin # On Monday the first AWS user group took place in newthinking store, Berlin. The event featured talks by Martin Buhr from Amazon as well as presentations of AWS users like Dawanda, Peritor and Sound Cloud.
Unfortunately the most interesting question concerning Elastic Map Reduce was left unanswered by Martin: Does using EMR facilitate exploiting data locality/ rack locality optimizations that are possible in Hadoop? The question on whether Amazon is using the AWS APIs internally as well was answered positively, though of course they did not publish all of their systems infractructure.
September 24, 2009
Looking for a dancing school in Berlin # I am looking for a dancing school (standard as well as Salsa Cubana) in Berlin Schöneberg. So in case you have any recommendations - please leave a comment.
September 23, 2009
Upcoming: Apache Hadoop Get Together Berlin # This is a friendly reminder that the next Apache Hadoop Get Together takes place next week on Tuesday, 29th of September* at newthinking store (Tucholskystr. 48, Berlin).
Thorsten Schuett, Solving Puzzles with MapReduce.
Thilo Götz, Text analytics on jaql.
Uwe Schindler, Lucene 2.9 Developments.
Big thanks goes to newthinking store for providing the venue for free and to Cloudera for sponsoring videos of the talks.
September 23, 2009
Scrum Tisch # Title: Scrum Tisch
Description: The Scrumtisch on October 11th will feature a talk by Mary Poppendieck.
She will join that extraordinary Scrumtisch at 6pm.
The location is not yet defined yet, because Marion first needs to know how many of are coming.
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2009-10-11
September 23, 2009
Scrum Tisch # Title: Scrum Tisch
Location: La Vecchia Trattoria
Description: The next Scrum Tisch organized by Marion Eickmann takes place this Thursday. Since a pretty long time the format will be open for questions, prioritized by the participants again.
The location is in Niederbarnimstraße 25, near U-Bahn Samariterstrasse.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2009-09-24
September 9, 2009
Mahout@TU WS 09/10 # Title: Mahout@TU WS 09/10
There is going to be a project/seminar course at TU Berlin on Apache Mahout. The goal is to introduce students to the work on a free software project, interact with the community and build production ready software.
Students will be given several potential tasks ranging from optimizing existing implementations, implementing new algorithms and (depending on their prior knowledge) improving, scaling and parallelizing existing algorithms.
September 9, 2009
GSoC at Mahout # GSoC 2009 is about to finish: Final evaluations are through, most of the code submitted by Mahout’s students has been committed to svn, code samples are on their way to Google.
In Mahout, we had three students joining the project: Robin working on an HBase based Naive Bayes extension and on frequent itemset discovery. David contributing a distributed LDA implementation. Deneche was working on a Random Forest implementation.