Inductive Bias

Definition of a Blogger

March 12, 2010
self-irony, bloggers, irony, Freetime

Definition of a Blogger # While at lunch yesterday the topic of what Bloggers do, how they earn money and most important of all - what the hack a blogger really is - came up. Well, some criteria those who went to a restaurant nearby came up with the following criteria: Blog is read by more than 5 people. (Well, in my opinion a very low barrier, really.) Bloggers tend to get invited to give talks at conferences. ...

Third Apache Dinner Berlin

March 11, 2010
Berlin, Dinner, Software Foundation, Apache Dinner Berlin

Third Apache Dinner Berlin # Today the third Dinner for Apache committers and friends took place in Berlin. We met in Schöneberg at Marcello Berlin for pizza, pasta, wine, beer … and lots of discussions. It always surprises me to see how many Apache related people there are in Berlin. This time we had Peter from Tomcat, Daniel and Simon with Vera from Lucene, Eric from http components, four guys from the svn project (Welcome again at the ASF), Oswald and myself and Thilo. ...

Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords

March 11, 2010
Lucene, Berlin Buzzwords, Solr, Hadoop, NOSQL

Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords # Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Search, Store, Scale 7/8 June 2010 This is to announce the opening of the Berlin Buzzwords 2010 call for presentations. Berlin Buzzwords is the first conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany, taking place in Berlin. The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics: ...

Slides are available

March 11, 2010
Hadoop, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Slides are available # Slides for the last Hadoop Get Together are available online: Spatial Search by Chris Male HBase Patterns by Bob Schulze Scaling product search with Hadoop and Lucene by Dragan Milosevic My own little introduction, just in case you are interested. Videos will follow as soon as the are ready. Watch this space for further updates.

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010

March 11, 2010
buzzwords, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Apache Hadoop Get Together March 2010 # Today (or more correctly, yesterday) the March 2010 Hadoop Get Together took place in newthinking store. I arrived rather early to have some time to do some planning for Berlin Buzzwords - got there nearly one hour before the meetup. However it did not take very long until first guests came to the store. So I quickly got my introductory slides in place - Martin from newthinking already had the room setup, camera in place and audio working. ...

Google Summer of Code starting

March 10, 2010
Mahout, GSoC, Hacking, Software Foundation

Google Summer of Code starting # As published on the Google Open Source blog the application period for mentoring organizations for GSoC starts now. The ASF is already in the process of applying. If you are a student, looking for an interesting project to work on during the coming summer - you might consider participating in GSoC. It does give you are great opportunity to get in touch with successful free software projects, learn how to work in global teams, improve your communication skills and last but not least show and publish your fantastic coding skills. ...

Learning to Rank Challenge

March 9, 2010
Mahout, Science, Learning To Rank, ICML

Learning to Rank Challenge # In one of his recent blog posts, Jeff Dalton published an article on currently running machine learning challenges. Especially interesting for those working on search engines and interested in learning new rankings from data should be the Yahoo! Learning to Rank Challenge to be held in conjunction with this year’s ICML 2010 in Haifa, Israel. The goal is to show that your algorithm does not only scale on real-world data provided by Yahoo! ...

Early bird registration for Berlin Buzzwords on June 7th/8th open

March 9, 2010
Lucene, Berlin Buzzwords, Hadoop, NOSQL

Early bird registration for Berlin Buzzwords on June 7th/8th open # Silently registration was opened in the past days for Berlin Buzzwords - a conference on scaling search, data processing and storage taking place on June 7th/8th in Berlin/ Germany. First 100 tickets will be sold for 250 Euros + tax. Registration is possible at later dates as well, however expect prizes to rise shortly before the conference starts. ...

Chemnitzer Linuxtage

March 5, 2010
Linux, Free Software, Chemnitz, FSFE, General

Chemnitzer Linuxtage # Title: Chemnitzer Linuxtage Location: Chemnitz Link out: Click here Start Date: 2010-03-13 End Date: 2010-03-14 Next week the Chemnither Linuxtage take place in - well - Chemnitz. It is the second largest Linux event after Linuxtag Berlin. However only obvious for speakers and exhibitors: It is one of those events that are known for its fantastic organisation. Nearly no problems, be it WiFi, admission to the exhibitors area, food or any help in general. ...