December 6, 2017
Trust and confidence # One of the main principles at Apache (as in The Apache Software Foundation) is “Community over Code” - having the goal to build projects that survive single community members loosing interest or time to contribute. In his book “Producing Open Source Software” Karl Fogel describes this model of development as Consensus-based Democracy (in contrast to benevolent dictatorship): “Consensus simply means an agreement that everyone is willing to live with.
October 29, 2017
Open Source Summit - Day 3 # Open source summit Wednesday started with a keynote by members of the Banks family telling a packed room on how they approached raising a tech family. The first hurdle that Keila (the teenage daughter of the family) talked about was something I personally had never actually thought about: Communication tools like Slack that are in widespread use come with an age restriction excluding minors.
October 25, 2017
Open source summit - Day 2 # Day two of Open Source summit for me started a bit slow for lack of sleep. The first talk I went to was on “Developer tools for Kubernetes” by Michelle Noorali and Matt Butcher. Essentially the two of them showed two projects (Draft and Brigade to help ease development apps for Kubernetes clusters. Draft here is the tool to use for developing long running, daemon like apps.
October 23, 2017
Open Source Summit Prague 2017 - part 1 # Open Source Summit, formerly known as LinuxCon, this year took place in Prague. Drawing some 2000 attendees to the lovely Czech city, the conference focussed on all things Linux kernel, containers, community and governance. The first day started with three crowded keynotes: First one by Neha Narkhede on Keynotes Apache Kafka and the Rise of the Streaming Platform. Second one by Reuben Paul (11 years old) on how hacking today really is just childs play: The hack itself might seem like toying around (getting into the protocol of children's toys in order to make them do things without using the app that was intended to control them).
May 26, 2017
Open development and inner source for fun and profit # Last in a row if interesting talks at Adobe Open Source Summit was on Open Development/ Inner Source and how it benefits internal projects given by Michael Marth. Note: He knows there’s subtle differences between inner source and open development, but mentioned to use the terms interchangeably in his talk. So what is inner source all about? Essentially: Use all the tools and processes that already work for open source projects, just internally.
May 26, 2017
Note to self - slides for staying sane when maintaining a popular open source project # For further reference - Simon MacDonald has a great collection of good advise on how to stay sane when running and maintaining a popular open source project. Link here:
Some things he mentioned:
Include a README. It should tell people what the project is about but also what the project is not about.
May 16, 2017
Async decision making # This is the second in a series of posts on inner source/open source. Bertrand Delacretaz gave an interesting talk on how to avoid meetings by introducing an async way of making decisions.
He started off with a little anecdote related to Paul Graham’s maker’s vs. manager’s schedule: Bertrand’s father was a carpenter. He was working in the same house that his family was living in, so joining the family for lunch was common for him.
May 12, 2017
Notebook - OSS office at Adobe # tl;dr: This post summarises what I learnt at the Adobe Open Source Summit last week about which aspects to think of when running an open source office. It’s mainly a mental note for myself, hopefully others will find it useful as well.
Longer version:
This is another post in a series of articles on “random stuff I leant in Basel last week”. When I was invited to Adobe’s open source summit I had no idea what to expect from it.
May 7, 2017
Agile, inner source, open development, open source development # Last week I had the honour of giving a keynote at Adobe’s Open Source Summit EU in Basel. Among many interesting talks they hosted a panel to answer questions around all things open source, strategy, inner source, open development. One of the questions I found intersting is how inner source/ open development and agile are related.
To get everyone on the same page, what do I mean when talking about inner source/ open development?
March 23, 2014
Note to self: Backup bottlenecks # I learnt the following relations the hard way 10 years ago when trying to backup a rather tiny amount of data, went through the computation again three years ago. Still I had to re-do the computation this morning when trying to pull a final full backup from my old MacBook. Posting here for future reference:
Note 1: Some numbers like 10BASE-T included only for historic reference.