November 24, 2010
Apache Con – Hadoop, HBase, Httpd # The first Apache Con day featured several presentations on NoSQL databases (track sponsored by Day software), a Hadoop track as well as presentations on Httpd and an Open source business track. Since its inception Hadoop always was intended to be run in trusted environments firewalled from hostile users or even attackers. As such it never really supported any security features. This is about the change with the new Hadoop release including better Kerberos based security.
November 23, 2010
Apache Con – Hackathon days # This year on Halloween I left for a trip to Atlanta/GA. Apache Con US was supposed to take place there featuring two presentations on Apache Mahout – one by Grant Ingersoll explaining how to use Mahout to provide better search features in Solr, one by myself with a general introduction to what features Mahout provides, giving a bit more detailed information on how to use Mahout for classificaiton.
November 22, 2010
Travelling # Currently on my way back from a series of conferences in the past three weeks in the IC from Schiphol. After three weeks of conferences, lots of new input and lots of interesting projects I learned about it is finally time to head back and put the stuff I have learned to good use.
View Travelling in a larger map
As seems normal with open source conferences I got far more input on interesting projects than I can expect to ever get applied in on a daily basis.
November 3, 2010
Apache Mahout 0.4 release # On last Sunday the Apache Mahout project published the 0.4 release. Nearly every piece of the code has been refactored and improved since the last 0.3 release. The release was timed to happen exactly before Apache Con NA in Atlanta. As such it was published on October 31st - the Halloween release, sort-of.
Especially mentionable are the following improvements:
Model refactoring and CLI changes to improve integration and consistency
November 3, 2010
Scrumtisch November # Title: Scrumtisch November
Location: Berlin
Link out: Click here<br />Description: Next Scrum meetup - Scrumtisch - is scheduled to take place end of November in Berlin FHain. See you there (that is at La Vecchia Trattoria) if you are interested in agile development. Please make sure to register with Marion first.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2010-11-29
November 1, 2010
Apache Mahout @ Devoxx Tools in Action Track # This year’s Devoxx will feature several presentations coming from the Apache Hadoop ecosystem including Tom White on the basics of Hadoop: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive and Pig as well as Michael Stack on HBase.
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In addition there will be a brief Tools in Action presentation on Monday evening featuring Apache Mahout.
Please let me know if you are going to Devoxx - would be great to meet some more Apache people there, maybe have dinner at one of the conference days.
October 31, 2010
Apache Mahout @ Lisbon Codebits # Second week of November I’ll spend a few days in Lisbon - never would have thought that I’d return so quickly when I visited this beautiful city this summer during vacation. I’ll be there for Codebits - thanks to Sapo for inviting me to be there.
Back in summer I learned only after I returned to Germany that there was someone form Portugal seeking to meet with other Apache people exactly when I was down there.
October 30, 2010
First steps with git # A few weeks ago I started to use git not only for tracking changes in my own private repository but also for Mahout development and for reviewing patches. My setup probably is a bit unusual, so I thought, I’d first describe that before diving deeper into the specifc steps.
Workflow to implement
With my development I wanted to follow Mahout trunk very closely, integrating and merging any changes as soon as I continue to work on the code.
October 28, 2010
Scientific debugging # Quite some years ago I ready Why programs fail - a systematic guide to debugging - a book written on the art of debugging programs written by Andreas Zeller (Prof. at University Saarbrücken, researcher working on Mining Software Archives, Automated Debugging, Mutation Testing and Mining Models and one of the authors of famous Data Display Debugger).
One aspect that I found particularly intriguing about the book was up to then known to me only from the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Scientific debugging as a way to find bugs in a piece of software in a structured way with methods usually known from the scientific method.
October 27, 2010
CfP: Data Analysis Dev Room at Fosdem 2011 # Call for Presentations: Data Analysis Dev Room, FOSDEM
5 February 2011
1pm to 7pm
Brussels, Belgium
This is to announce the Data Analysis DevRoom co-located with FOSDEM. The first Meetup on analysing and learning from data, taking place in Brussels, Belgium.
Important Dates (all dates in GMT +2):
Submission deadline: 2010-12-17
Notification of accepted speakers: 2010-12-20
Publication of final schedule: 2011-01-10