Inductive Bias

FOSDEM - Django

February 16, 2011
Django, Brussels, Fosdem, General

FOSDEM - Django # The languages/ cloud computing track on Sunday started with the good, the bad and the ugly of Django's architecture. Without much ado the speaker started by giving a high level overview of the general package layout of Django - unfortunately not going into too much detail on the architecture itself. What he loves about Django are the model layer abstractions that really are no ORM only - instead both relational and non-relational databases can be supported easily. ...

FOSDEM - Saturday

February 15, 2011
Brussels, Fosdem, General

FOSDEM - Saturday # Day one at FOSDEM started with a very interesting and timely keynote by Eben Moglen: Starting with the example of Egypt he voted for de-centralized distributed and thus harder to take over communication systems. In terms of tooling we are already almost there. Most use cases like micro blogging, social networking and real time communications can already be implemented in a distributed, fail safe way. So instead of going for convenience it is time to think about digital independence from very few central providers. ...

Teddy in Brussels

February 14, 2011

Teddy in Brussels # Not much time here, except for a brief view of the atomium from our bed&breakfast place in Brussels and a few very beautiful churches:

O'Reilly Strata - day one afternoon lectures

February 13, 2011
SFO, strataconf, Data Analytics, General

O’Reilly Strata - day one afternoon lectures # Big data at startups - Info ChimpsAs a startup to get good people there is no other option then to grow your own: Offer the option to gain a lot of experience in return for a not so great wage. Start out with really great hires: People who have the "get shit done gene": They discover new projects, are proud to contribute to team efforts, are confident in making changes to a code base probably not known before hand. ...

O'Reilly Strata - Day two - keynotes

February 12, 2011
SFO, strataconf, Data Analytics, General

O’Reilly Strata - Day two - keynotes # Day two of Strata started with a very inspiring insight from the host itself that extended the vision discussed earlier in the tutorials: It's not at all about the tools, the current data analytics value lies in the data itself and in the conclusions and actions drawn from analysing it. keynoteThe first key note was presented by - for them there are four dimensions to data analytics: ...

O'Reilly Strata - Tutorial data analytics

February 11, 2011
SFO, strataconf, Event, Data Analytics, General

O’Reilly Strata - Tutorial data analytics # Acting based on dataIt comes as no surprise to hear that also in the data analytics world engineers are unwilling to share details of how their analysis works with higher management - with on the other side not much interest on learning how analytics really works. This culture leads to a sort of black art, witch craft attitude to data analytics that hinders most innovation. ...

Teddy in San Francisco

February 10, 2011
SFO, teddy, Freetime, General

Teddy in San Francisco # Before attending O'Reilly Strata there were a few days left to adjust to the different time zone, meet up with friends and generally spend some days in the Greater San Francisco area. As was to be expected, those were way to few days. The weekend was a bit rainy, still packed with visiting China town right after the plane had landed and spending some time at . ...

Slides of yesterday's Apache Hadoop Get Together

January 28, 2011
Apache Hadoop, Lucene4, Redis, Apache Lucene, Get Together

Slides of yesterday’s Apache Hadoop Get Together # This time with little less than 24 hours delay - the usual, by some impatiently expected, summary of the Apache Hadoop Get Together. The meetup took place at Zanox’ event campus. The room was well filled with some fourty attendees from various companies, experience with Hadoop ranging from interested beginners to experienced users. Slides of all presentations: Josh Devins on Hadoop at Nokia ...

CFP - Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - search, score, scale

January 26, 2011
Lucene, Hadoop, Mahout, Berlin, hbase, Berlin Buzzwords

CFP - Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - search, score, scale # This is to announce the Berlin Buzzwords 2011. The second edition of the successful conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany, taking place in Berlin. Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords Berlin Buzzwords 2011 - Search, Store, Scale 6/7 June 2011 The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics: ...

Apache Mahout in Amsterdam

January 25, 2011
JTeam, Apache Mahout, amsterdam, General

Apache Mahout in Amsterdam # On February 7th there will be an Apache Mahout meetup in Amsterdam kindly organised by JTeam. There will be two presentations - one by myself on classification with Apache Mahout as well as a second one by Frank Scholten on clustering with Apache Mahout. Time: 18:00 Location: Frederiksplein 1, 1017XK Amsterdam, The Netherlands Looking forward to a few days in Amsterdam.