Inductive Bias

When it takes a pandemic ...

May 25, 2021

When it takes a pandemic … # to understand the speed of innovation. 2020 was a special year for all of us - with “us” here meaning the entire world: Faced with a truly urgent global problem that year was a learning opportunity for everyone. For me personally the year started like any other year - except that news coming out of China were troubling. Little did I know how fast those news would reach the rest of the world - little did I know the impact that this would have. ...

Apache Board of Directors - a retrospective

March 28, 2019
Apache, board, director, oss governance
Apache, board, director

Apache Board of Directors - a retrospective # Last term I had the honour of serving on the ASF board of directors, better explained in context of the ASF governance structure. As quite a few directors (myself included) declined to run for the board this year again, I thought it would be a good idea to think about the past term, write that down and publish those thoughts. As I wanted to give every board member a chance to respond, I shared some guiding questions but left it to board members to choose the channel they deemed most appropriate to share their responses on. ...

FrOSCon 2018

August 29, 2018
Hacking people
FrOSCon, conferences, Open Source

FrOSCon 2018 # A more general summary: of the conference written in German. Below a more detailed summary of the keynote by Lorena Jaume-Palasi. In her keynote “Blessed by the algorithm - the computer says no!” Lorena detailed the intersection of ethics and technology when it comes to automated decision making systems. As much as humans with a technical training shy away from questions related to ethics, humans trained in ethics often shy away from topics that involve a technical layer. ...

DataworksSummit Berlin - Wednesday morning

April 19, 2018
Apache, BigData
hortonworks, BigData, Apache

DataworksSummit Berlin - Wednesday morning # Data strategy - cloud strategy - business strategy: Aligning the three was one of the main themes (initially put forward in his opening keynote by CTO of Hortonworks Scott Gnau) thoughout this weeks Dataworks Summit Berlin kindly organised and hosted by Hortonworks. The event was attended by over 1000 attendees joining from 51 countries. The inspiration hat was put forward in the first keynote by Scott was to take a closer look at the data lifecycle - including the fact that a lot of data is being created (and made available) outside the control of those using it: Smart farming users are using a combination of weather data, information on soil conditions gathered through sensors out in the field in order to inform daily decisions. ...

Apache Breakfast

April 17, 2018
FOSS, Apache

Apache Breakfast # In case you missed it but are living in Berlin - or are visiting Berlin/ Germany this week: A handful of Apache people (committers/ members) are meeting over breakfast on Friday morning this week. If you are interested in joining, please let me know (or check yourself - in the archives of the mailing list

FOSS Backstage - Schedule online

April 17, 2018
fossback, events
fossback, FOSS, Apache

FOSS Backstage - Schedule online # In January the CfP for FOSS Backstage opened. By now reviews have been done, speakers notified and a schedule created. I’m delighted to find both - a lot of friends from the Apache Software Foundation but also a great many speakers that aren’t affiliated with the ASF among the speakers. If you want to know how Open Source really works, if you want to get a glimpse behind the stage, do not wait for too long to grab your ticket now and join us in summer in Berlin/ Germany. ...

My board nomination statement 2018

March 23, 2018
Apache, organisation
Apache, TheASF

My board nomination statement 2018 # Two days ago the Apache Software Foundation members meeting started. One of the outcomes of each members meeting is an elected board of directors. The way that works is explained here: Annual Apache members meeting. As explained in the linked post, members accepting their nomination to become a director are supposed to provide a nomination statement. This year they were also asked to answer a set of questions so members could better decide who to vote for. ...

An argument against proxies

March 8, 2018
Open Source, governance

An argument against proxies # Proxies? In companies getting started with an upstream first concept this is what people are called who act as the only interface between their employer and an open source project: All information from any project used internally flows through them. All bug reports and patches intended as upstream contribution also flows through them - hiding entire teams producing the actual contributions. At Apache projects I learnt to dislike this setup of having proxies act in place of the real contributors. ...

FOSDEM 2018 - recap

February 13, 2018
Fosdem, Open Source
Fosdem, Open Source

FOSDEM 2018 - recap # Too crowded, too many queues, too little space - but also lots of friendly people, Belgian waffles, ice cream, an ASF dinner with grey beards and new people, a busy ASF booth, bumping into friends every few steps, meeting humans you see only online for an entire year or more: For me, that’s the gist of this year’s FOSDEM. Note: German version of the article including images appeared in my employer’s tech blog. ...

FOSS Backstage - CfP open

January 23, 2018
Open Source
FOSS Backstage, Conference, Open Source

FOSS Backstage - CfP open # It’s almost ten years ago that I attended my first ApacheCon EU in Amsterdam. I wasn’t entirely new to the topic of open source or free software. I attended several talks on Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Hadoop, Tomcat, httpd (I still remember that the most impressive stories didn’t necessarily come from the project members, but from downstream users. They were the ones authorized to talk publicly about what could be done with the project - and often became committers themselves down the road. ...