Inductive Bias

Reasons for you to visit Berlin Buzzwords

January 15, 2012
Relocating to Berlin, ostsee, ruegen, vacation, Berlin, paddeln, Berlin Buzzwords, Spreewald

Reasons for you to visit Berlin Buzzwords # I’ve heard of several people who are not quite sure yet whether they should visit Berlin Buzzwords or not - in particular when having to travel far and cross 9 time zones to attend. My general recommendation is to plan to spend some more days in Europe. The conference is conveniently scheduled on Monday and Tuesday which gives you one weekend before to explore the city and the whole week afterwards to go and see more either in the city or around. ...

Berlin Buzzwords 2012 - Call for submissions

January 13, 2012
Berlin Buzzwords

Berlin Buzzwords 2012 - Call for submissions # The countdown started several weeks ago - finally in the past days the date for Berlin Buzzwords was announced, the call for submissions published. It’s exciting to see that the first talk is in already. Looking forward to yours. Compared to last year there are two changes: Submissions are no longer evaluated by Jan, Simon and myself only. Due to the large number of talks submitted last year we reached out for help to be able to split the task of reviewing talks. ...

Fun little new toy

January 3, 2012
hardware, Hacking

Fun little new toy # Yesterday Thilo invited me to attend an “Electronics 101” workshop including an introduction to soldering that was scheduled to start at 7p.m. this evening at the offices of IN-Berlin e.V.. As part of my studies back in university I do have a little bit of background in Electronics, but never before had tried any serious soldering (apart from fixing one of our audio cables) so I thought, why not. ...

Talking people into submitting patches - results

January 1, 2012
Apache, Open Source, contributing, Apache Con

Talking people into submitting patches - results # Back in November I gave a talk at Apache Con NA in Vancouver on talking friends and colleagues into contributing patches to open source projects. The intended audience for this talk were experienced committers to Apache projects, the goal was to learn more on their tricks for talking people into patching. First of all thanks for an interesting discussion on the topic - it was great to get into the room with barely enough slides to fill 10 min and still have a lively discussion 45min later. ...


December 30, 2011
Hacking, 28c3, General

#28c3 # Restate my assumptions. One: Mathematics is the language of nature. Two: Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. Three: If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature. The above is a quote from today's "Hackers in movies" talk at 28c3 - which amongst others also showed a brief snippet of the movie Pi. For several years I stayed well away from that one famous Hackers' conference in Berlin that takes place annually between Christmas and New Year. ...

Learning Machine Learning with Apache Mahout

December 13, 2011
Mahout, Science, electure, linear algebra

Learning Machine Learning with Apache Mahout # Once in a while I get questions like Where to start learning more on machine learning. Other than the official sources I think there is quite good coverage also in the Mahout community: Since it was founded several presentations have been given that give an overview of Apache Mahout, introduce special features or even go into more details on particular implementations. Below is an attempt to create a collection of talks given so far without any claim to contain links to all videos or lectures. ...

Berlin Tech Meetups

December 9, 2011
Relocating to Berlin, Berlin, Meetups, General

Berlin Tech Meetups # Berlin currently is of growing interest for software engineers, has a very active startup scene and as a result several community organised meetups. Listed below is a short, “highly objective” selection of local user groups - showing just the breadth of topics discussed. Berlin Hadoop Get Together Berlin DevOps Berlin Buzzwords (conference, no meetup) Berlin Scrumtisch Java User Group Berlin/Brandenburg Berlin Google Technology User Group ...