Open Source Summit Prague 2017 - part 1

Open Source Summit Prague 2017 - part 1 #

Open Source Summit, formerly known as LinuxCon, this year took place in Prague. Drawing some 2000 attendees to the lovely Czech city, the conference focussed on all things Linux kernel, containers, community and governance. The first day started with three crowded keynotes: First one by Neha Narkhede on


Apache Kafka and the Rise of the Streaming Platform. Second one by Reuben Paul (11 years old) on how hacking today really is just childs play: The hack itself might seem like toying around (getting into the protocol of children's toys in order to make them do things without using the app that was intended to control them). Taken into the bigger context of a world that is getting more and more interconnected - starting with regular laptops, over mobile devices to cars and little sensors running your home the lack of thought that goes into security when building systems today is both startling and worrying at the same time.

The third keynote of the morning was given by Jono Bacon on what it takes to incentivise communities - be it open source communities, volunteer run organisations or corporations. According to his perspective there are four major factors that drive human actions:

  • People thrive for acceptance. This can be exploited when building communities: Acceptance is often displayed by some form of status. People are more likely to do what makes them proceed in their career, gain the next level in a leadership board, gain some form of real or artificial title.
  • Humans are a reciprocal species. Ever heart of the phrase "a favour given - a favour taken"? People who once received a favour from you are more likely to help in the long run.
  • People form habits through repetition - but it takes time to get into a habit: You need to make sure people repeat the behaviour you want them to show for at least two months until it becomes a habit that they themselves continue to drive without your help. If you are trying to roll out peer review based, pull request based working as a new model - it will take roughly two months for people to adapt this as a habit.
  • Humans have a fairly good bullshit radar. Try to remain authentic, instead of automated thank yous, extend authentic (I would add qualified) thank you messages.

When it comes to the process of incentivising people Jono proposed a three step model: From hook to reason to reward.

Hook here means a trigger. What triggers the incentivising process? You can look at how people participate - number of pull requests, amount of documentation contributed, time spent giving talks at conferences. Those are all action based triggers. What’s often more valuable is to look out for validation based triggers: Pull requests submitted, reviewed and merged. He showed an example of a public hacker leaderboard that had their evaluation system published. While that’s lovely in terms of transparency IMHO it has two drawbacks: It makes it much easier to evaluate known wanted contributions than what people might not have thought about being a valuable contribution when setting up the leadership board. With that it also heavily influences which contribtions will come in and might invite a “hack the leadership board” kind of behaviour.

When thinking about reason there are two types of incentives: The reason could be invisible up-front, Jono called this submarine rewards. Without clear prior warning people get their reward for something that was wanted. The reason could be stated up front: “If you do that, then you’ll get reward x”. Which type to choose heavily depends on your organisation, the individual giving out the reward as well as the individual receiving the reward. The deciding factor often is to be found in which is more likely authentic to your organisation.

In terms of reward itself: There are extrinsic motivators - swag like stickers, t-shirts, give-aways. Those tend to be expensive, in particular if shipping them is needed. Something that in professional open source projects is often overlooked are intrinsic rewards: A Thank You goes a long way. So does a blog post. Or some social media mention. Invitations help. So do referrals to ones own network. Direct lines to key people help. Testimonials help.

Overall measurement is key. So is concentrating on focusing on incentivising shared value.

Limux - the loss of a lighthouse

In his talk, Matthias Kirschner gave an overview of Limux - the Linux rolled out for the Munich administration project. How it started, what went wrong during evaluation, which way political forces were drawing.

What I found very interesting about the talk were the questions that Matthias raised at the very end:

  • Do we suck at desktop? Are there too many depending apps?
  • Did we focus too much on the cost aspect?
  • Is the community supportive enough to people trying to monetise open source?
  • Do we harm migrations by volunteering - as in single people supporting a project without a budget, burning out in the process instead of setting up sustainable projects with a real budget? Instead of teaching the pros and cons of going for free software so people are in a good position to argue for a sustainable project budget?
  • Within administrations: Did we focus too much on the operating system instead of freeing the apps people are using on a day to day basis?
  • Did we focus too much on one star project instead of collecting and publicising many different free software based approaches?

As a lesson from these events, the FSFE launched an initiative to drive developing code funded by public money under free licenses.

Dude, Where's My Microservice

In his talk Dude, Where's My Microservice? - Tomasz Janiszewski from Allegro gave an introduction to what projects like Marathon on Apache Mesos, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes or Nomad can do for your Microservices architecture. While the examples given in the talk refer to specific technologies, they are intented to be general purpose.

Coming from a virtual machine based world where apps are tied to virtual machines who themselves are tied to physical machines, what projects like Apache Mesos try to do is to abstract that exact machine mapping away. Is a first result from this decision, how to communicate between micro services becomes a lot less obvious. This is where service discovery enters the stage.

When running in a microservice environment one goal when assigning tasks to services is to avoid unhealthy targets. In terms of resource utilization instead of overprovisioning the goal is to use just the right amount of your resources in order to avoid wasting money on idle resources. Individual service overload is to be avoided.

Looking at an example of three physical hosts running three services in a redundant matter, how can assigning tasks to these instances be achieved?

  • One very simple solution is to go for a proxy based architecture. There will be a single point of change, there aren't any in-app dependencies to make this model work. You can implement fine-grained load balancing in your proxy. However this comes at the cost of having a single point of failure, one additional hop in the middle, and usually requires using a common protocol that the proxy understands.
  • Another approach would be to go for a DNS based architecture: Have one registry that holds information on where services are located, but talking to these happens directly instead of through a proxy. The advantages here: No additional hop once the name is resolved, no single point of failure - services can work with stale data, it's protocol independent. However it does come with in-app dependencies. Load balancing has to happen local to the app. You will want to cache name resolution results, but every cache needs some cache invalidation strategy.

In both solutions you will also still have logic e.g. for de-registrating services. You will have to make sure to register your service only once is successfully booted up.

Enter the Service Mesh architecture, e.g. based on Linker.d, or Envoy. The idea here is to have what Tomek called a sidecar added to each service that talks to the service mesh controller to take care of service discovery, health checking, routing, load balancing, authn/z, metrics and tracing. The service mesh controller will hold information on which services are available, available load balancing algorithms and heuristics, repeating, timeouts and circuit breaking, as well as deployments. As a result the service itself no longer has to take care of load balancing, ciruict breaking, repeating policies, or even tracing.

After that high level overview of where microservice orchestration can take you, I took a break, following a good friend to the Introduction to SoC+FPGA talk. It’s great to see Linux support for these systems - even if not quite as stable as would be an ideal world case.

Trolling != Enforcement

The afternoon for me started with a very valuable talk by Shane Coughlan on how Trolling doesn't equal enforcement. This talk was related to what was published on LWN earlier this year.

Shane started off by explaining some of the history of open source licensing, from times when it was unclear if documents like the GPL would hold in front of courts, how projects like proofed that indeed those are valid legal contracts that can be enforced in court.

What he made clear was that those licenses are the basis for equal collaboration: They are a common set of rules that parties not knowing each other agree to adhere to. As a result following the rules set forth in those licenses does create trust in the wider community and thus leads to more collaboration overall.

On the flipside breaking the rules does erode this very trust. It leads to less trust in those companies breaking the rules. It also leads to less trust in open source if projects don’t follow the rules as expected.

However when it comes to copyright enforcement, the case of Patrick McHardy does imply the question if all copyright enforcement is good for the wider community. In order to understand that question we need to look at the method that Patrick McHardy employs: He will get in touch with companies for seemingly minor copyright infringements, ask for a cease and desist to be signed and get a small sum of money out of his target. In a second step the process above repeats, except the sum extracted increases.

Unfortunately with this approach what was shown is that there is a viable business model that hasn’t been tapped into yet. So while the activities by Patrick McHardy probably aren’t so bad in and off itself, they do set a precedent that others might follow causing way more harm.

Clearly there is no easy way out. Suggestions include establishing common norms for enforcement, ensuring that hostile actors are clearly unwelcome. For companies steps that can be taken include understanding the basics of legal requirements, understanding community norms, and having processes and tooling to address both. As one step there is a project called Open Chain publishing material on the topic of open source copyright, compliance and compliance self certification.

Kernel live patching

Following Tomas Tomecek's talk on how to get from Dockerfiles to Ansible Containers I went to a talk that was given by Miroslav Benes from SuSE on Linux kernel live patching.

The topic is interesting for a number of reasons: As early as back in 2008 MIT developed something called Ksplice which uses jumps patched into functions for call redirection. The project was aquired by Oracle - and discontinued.

In 2014 SuSE came up with something called kGraft for Linux live patching based on immediate patching but lazy migration. At the same time RedHat developed kpatch based on an activeness check.

In the case of kGraft the goal was to be able to apply limited scope fixes to the Linux kernel (e.g. for security, stability or corruption fixes), require only minimal changes to the source code, have no runtime cost impact, no interruption to applications while patching, and allow for full review of patch source code.

The way it is implemented is fairly obvious - in hindsight: It’s based on re-useing the ftrace framework. kGraft uses the tracer for inception but then asks ftrace to return back to a different address, namely the start of the patched function. So far the feature is available for x86 only.

Now while patching a single function is easy, making changes that affect multiple funtions get trickier. This means a need for lazy migration that ensures function type safety based on a consistency model. In kGraft this is based on a per-thread flag that marks all tasks in the beginning and makes waiting for them to be migrated possible.

From 2014 onwards it took a year to get the ideas merged into mainline. What is available there is a mixture of both kGraft and kpatch.

What are the limitations of the merged approach? There is no way right now to deal with data structure changes, in particular when thinking about spinlocks and mutexes. Consistency reasoning right now is done manually. Architectures other than X86 are still an open issue. Documentation and better testing are open tasks.