Open Source Summit - Day 3

Open Source Summit - Day 3 #

Open source summit Wednesday started with a keynote by members of the Banks family telling a packed room on how they approached raising a tech family. The first hurdle that Keila (the teenage daughter of the family) talked about was something I personally had never actually thought about: Communication tools like Slack that are in widespread use come with an age restriction excluding minors. So by trying to communicate with open source projects means entering illegality.

A bit more obivious was their advise to help raise kids’ engagement with tech: Try to find topics that they can relate to. What works fairly often are reverse engineering projects that explain how things actually work.

The Banks are working with a goal based model where children get ten goals to pursue during the year with regular quarterly reviews. An intersting twist though: Eight of these ten goals are choosen by the children themselves, two are reserved for parents to help with guidance. As obvious as this may seem, having clear goals and being able to influence them yourselves is something that I believe is applicable in the wider context of open source contributor and project mentoring as well as employee engagement.

The speakers also talked about embracing children’s fear. Keila told the story of how she was afraid to talk in front of adult audiences - in particular at the keynote level. The advise that her father gave that did help her: You can trip on the stage, you can fall, all of that doesn’t matter for as long as you can laugh at yourself. Also remember that every project is not the perfect project - there’s always something you can improve - and that’s ok. This is fairly in line with the feedback given a day earlier during the Linux Kernel Panel where people mentioned how today they would never accept the first patch they themselves had once written: Be persistant, learn from the feedback you get and seek feedback early.

Last but not least, the speakers advised to not compare your family to anyone, not even to yourself. Everyone arrives at tech via a different route. It can be hard to get people from being averse to tech to embrace it - start with a tiny little bit of motivation, from there on rely on self motivation.

The family’s current project turned business is to support L.A. schools to support children get a handle on tech.

The TAO of Hashicorp

In the second keynote Hashimoto gave an overview of the Tao of Hashicorp - essentially the values and principles the company is built on. What I found interesting about the talk was the fact that these values were written down very early in the process of building up Hashicorp when the company didn’t have much more than five employees, comprised vision, roadmap and product design pieces and has been applied to every day decisions ever since.

The principles themselves cover the following points:

  • Workflows - not technologies. Essentially describing a UX first approach where tools are being mocked and used first before diving deeper into the architecture and coding. This goes as far as building a bash script as a mockup for a command line interface to see if it works well before diving into coding.
  • Simple, modular and Comosable. Meaning that tools built should have one clear purpose instead of piling features on top of each other for one product.
  • Communicating sequential processes. Meaning to have standalone tools with clear APIs.
  • Immutability.
  • Versioning through Codification. When having a question, the answer "just talk to X" doesn't scale as companies grow. There are several fixes to this problem. The one that Hashicorp decided to go for was to write knowledge down in code - instead of having a detailing how startup works, have something people can execute.
  • Automate.
  • Resilient systems. Meaning to strive for systems that know their desired state and have means to go back to it.
  • Pragmatism. Meaning that the principles above shouldn't be applied blindly but adjusted to the problem at hand.

While the content itself differs I find it interesting that Hashicorp decided to communicate in terms of their principles and values. This kind of setup reminds me quite a bit about the way Amazon Leadership principles are being applied and used inside of Amazon.

Integrating OSS in industrial environments - by Siemens

The third keynote was given by Siemens, a 170 year old, 350k employees rich German corporation focussed on industrial appliances.

In their current projects they are using OSS in embedded projects related to power generation, rail automation (Debian), vehicle control, building automation (Yocto), medical imaging (xenomai on big machines).

Their reason for tapping into OSS more and more is to grow beyond their own capabilities.

A challenge in their applications relates to long term stability, meaning supporiting an appliance for 50 years and longer. Running there appliances unmodified for years today is not feasible anymore due to policies and corporate standards that requrire updates in the field.

Trouble they are dealing with today is in the cost of software forks - both, self inflicted and supplier caused forks. The amount of cost attached to these is one of the reasons for Siemens to think upstream-first, both internally as well as when choosing suppliers.

Another reason for this approach is to be found in trying to become part of the community for three reasons: Keeping talent. Learning best practices from upstream instead of failing one-self. Better communication with suppliers through official open source channels.

One project Siemens is involved with at the moment is the so-called Civil Infrastructure Platform project.

Another huge topic within Siemens is software license compliance. Being a huge corporation they rely on Fossology for compliance checking.

Linus Torvalds Q&A

The last keynote of the day was an on stage interview with Linus Torvalds. The introduction to this kind of format was lovely: There's one thing Linus doesn't like: Being on stage and giving a pre-created talk. Giving his keynote in the form of an interview with questions not shared prior to the actual event meant that the interviewer would have to prep the actual content. :)

The first question asked was fairly technical: Are RCs slowing down? The reason that Linus gave had a lot to do with proper release management. Typically the kernel is released on a time-based schedule, with one release every 2.5 months. So if some feature doesn’t make it into a release it can easily be integrated into the following one. What’s different with the current release is Greg Kroah Hartman having announced it would be a long term support release, so suddenly devs are trying to get more features into it.

The second question related to a lack of new maintainers joining the community. The reasons Linus sees for this are mainly related to the fact that being a maintainer today is still fairly painful as a job: You need experience to quickly judge patches so the flow doesn’t get overwhelming. On the other hand you need to have shown to the community that you are around 24/7, 365 days a year. What he wanted the audience to know is that despite occasional harsh words he loves maintainers, the project does want more maintainers. What’s important to him isn’t perfection - but having people that will stand up to their mistakes.

One fix to the heavy load mentioned earlier (which was also discussed during the kernel maintainers’ panel a day earlier) revolved around the idea of having a group of maintainers responsible for any single sub-system in order to avoid volunteer burnout, allow for vacations to happen, share the load and ease hand-over.

Asked about kernel testing Linus admitted to having been sceptical about the subject years ago. He’s a really big fan of random testing/ fuzzing in order to find bugs in code paths that are rarely if ever tested by developers.

Asked about what makes a successful project his take was the ability to find commonalities that many potential contributors share, the ability to find agreement, which seems easier for systems with less user visibility. An observation that reminded my of the bikeshedding discussions.

Also he mentioned that the problem you are trying to solve needs to be big enough to draw a large enough crowd. When it comes to measuring success though his insight was very valuable: Instead of focussing too much on outreach or growth, focus on deciding whether your project solves a problem you yourself have.

Asked about what makes a good software developer, Linus mentioned that the community over time has become much less homogenuous compared to when he started out in his white, male, geeky, beer-loving circles. The things he believes are important for developers are caring about what they do, being able to invest in their skills for a long enough period to develop perfection (much like athletes train a long time to become really sucessful). Also having fun goes a long way (though in his eyes this is no different when trying to identify a successful marketing person).

While Linus isn’t particularly comfortable interacting with people face-to-face, e-mail for him is different. He does have side projects beside the kernel. Mainly for the reason of being able to deal with small problems, actually provide support to end-users, do bug triage. In Linux kernel land he can no longer do this - if things bubble up to his inbox, they are bound to be of the complex type, everything else likely was handled by maintainers already.

His reason for still being part of the Linux Kernel community: He likes the people, likes the technology, loves working on stuff that is meaningful, that people actually care about. On vacation he tends to check his mail three times a day to not loose track and be overwhelmed when he gets back to work. There are times when he goes offline entirely - however typically after one week he longing to be back.

Asked about what further plans he has, he mentioned that for the most part he doesn’t plan ahead of time, spending most of his life reacting and being comfortable with this state of things.

Speaking of plans: It was mentioned that likely Linux 5.0 is to be released some time in summer 2018 - numbers here don’t mean anything anyway.

Nobody puts Java in a container

Jörg Schad from Mesosphere gave an introduction to how container technolgies like Docker really work and how that applies to software run in the JVM.

He started off by explaining the advantages of containers: Isolating what’s running inside, supplying standard interfaces to deployed units, sort of the write once, run anywhere promise.

Compared to real VMs they are more light weight, however with the caveat of using the host kernel - meaning that crashing the kernel means crashing all container instances running on that host as well. In turn they are faster to spin up, need less memory and less storage.

So which properties do we need to look at when talking about having a JVM in a container? Resource restrictions (CPU, memory, device visibility, blkio etc.) are being controlled by cgroups. Process spaces for e.g. pid, net, ipc, mnt, users and hostnames are being controlled through libcontainer namespaces.

Looking at cgroups there are two aspects that are very obviously interesting for JVM deployments: For memory settings one can set hard and soft limits. However much in contrast to the JVM there is no such thing as an OOM being thrown when resources are exhausted. For CPUs available there are two ways to configure limits: cpushares lets you give processes a relative priority weighting. Cpusets lets you pin groups to specific cpus.

General advise is to avoid cupsets as it removes one level of freedom from scheduling, often leads to less efficiency. However it’s a good tool to avoid cup-bouncing, and to maximise cache usage.

When trying to figure out the caveats of running JVMs in containers one needs to understand what the memory requirements for JVMs are: In addition to the well known, configurable heap memory, each JVM needs a bit of native JRE memory, perm get/ meta space, JIT bytecode space, JNO and NIO space as well as additional native space for threads. With permgen space turned native meta space that means that class loader leaks are capable of maxing out the memory of the entire machine - one good reason to lock JVMs in containers.

The caveats of putting JVMs into containers are related to JRE intialisation defaults being influenced by information like the number of cores available: It influences the number of JIT compilation threads, hotspot thresholds and limits.

One extreme example: When running ten JVM containers in a 32 core box this means that:

  • Each JVM believes it's alone on the machine configuring itself to the maximally availble CPU count.
  • pre-Java-9 the JVM is not aware of cpusets, meaning it will think that it can use all 32 cores even if configured to use less than that.

Another caveat: JVMs typically need more resources on startup, leading to a need for overprovisioning just to get it started. Jörg promised a blog post to appear on how to deal with this question on the DC/OS blog soon after the summit.

Also for memory Java9 provides the option to look at memory limits set through cgroups. The (still experimental) option for that: -XX:+UseCGroupMemLimitForHeap

As a conclusion: Containers don’t hide the underlying hardware - which is both, good and bad.

Goal - question - metric approach to community measurement

In his talk on applying goals question metrics to software development management Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente explained how to successfully choose and use metrics in OSS projects.

He contrasted the OKR based approach to goal setting with the goal question metric approach. In the latter one first thinks about a goal to achieve (e.g. “We want a diverse community.”), go from there to questions to help understand the path ot that goal better (“How many people from underrepresented groups do we have.”), to actual metrics to answer that question.

Key to applying this approach is a cycle that integrates planning, making changes, checking results and acting on them.

Goals, questions and metrics need to be in line with project goals, involve management and involve contributors. Metrics themselves are only useful for as long as they are linked to a certain goal.

What it needs to make this approach successful is a mature organisation that understands the metrics’ value, refrains from gaming the system. People will need training on how to use the metrics, as well as transparency about metrics.

Projects dealing with applying more metrics and analytics to OSS projects include Grimoire Lab, CHAOSS (Community Health Analytics for OSS).

There’s a couple interesting books: Managing inner source projects. Evaluating OSS projects as well as the Grimoire training which are all available freely online.

Container orchestration - the state of play

In his talk Michael Bright gave an overview of current container orchestration systems. In his talk he went into some details for Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Apache Mesos. Technologies he left out are things like Nomad, Cattle, Fleet, ACS, ECS, GKE, AKS, as well as managed cloud.

What became apparent from his talk was that the high level architecture is fairly similar from tool to tool: Orchestration projects make sense where there are enough microservices to be unable to treat them like pets with manual intervention needed in case something goes wrong. Orchestrators take care of tasks like cluster management, micro service placement, traffic routing, monitoring, resource management, logging, secret management, rolling updates.

Often these systems build a cluster that apps can talk to, with masters managing communication (coordinated through some sort of distributed configuration management system, maybe some RAFT based consensus implementation to avoid split brain situations) as well as workers that handle requests.

Going into details Michael showed the huge takeup of Kubernetes compared to Docker Swarm and Apache Mesos, up the point where even AWS joined CNCF.

For Thursday I went to see Rich Bowen’s keynote on the Apache Way at MesosCon. It was great to hear how people were interested in the greater context of what Apache provides to the Mesos project in terms of infrastructure and mentoring. Also there were quite a few questions on what that thing called The Apache Software Foundation actually is at their booth at MesosCon.

Hopefully the initiative started on the Apache Community development mailing list on getting more information out on how things are managed at Apache will help spread the word even further.

Overall Open Source Summit, together with it’s sister events like e.g. KVM forum, MesosCon as well as co-located events like the OpenWRT summit was a great chance to meet up with fellow open source developers and project leads, learn about technologies and processes both familiar was well as new (in my case the QEMU on UEFI talk clearly was above my personal comfort zone understanding things - here it’s great to be married to a spouse who can help fill the gaps after the conference is over). There was a fairly broad spectrum of talks from Linux kernel internals, to container orchestration, to OSS licensing, community management, diversity topics, compliance, and economics.