FOSDEM 2014 #
By now FOSDEM turned into some kind of tradition in our family: Since 2007 every year in
February we are travelling to that one comfy B&B in Brussels for a weekend - not to take
a closer look at the city but to attend (together with thousands of other geeks
and open source hackers) one of the biggest conferences on all things open
I love the conference concept for scaling: As it happens on a university campus
they only have a limited number of huge rooms, but a fairly large number of
mid-sized and small rooms. They use the venue to their advantage: Only the main
tracks are organised by the official conference organisers. All other rooms are
each filled with a community (usually a handful of people doing the heavy
lifting of inviting speakers, putting a cfp out etc.) provided track. As a
result even though they attract well over 5000 attendees it’s only the most
popular topics (e.g. Elasticsearch, GPL license discussions, configuration
management, JDK specifics, kdbus, discussions on the relevancy of distribution
packaging) tend to fill rooms completely.
When stuck with full rooms there’s always some other talk on that probably is
similarly interesting. In addition there is a huge exhibition area to visit
where you can talk to the core developers behind the individual open source
projects (and buy stuff like T-Shirts, grab a few flyers, stickers etc.). In
addition there’s so many people to talk to you usually won’t get to see too many
presentations anyway. In addition as of this year the crazy people of the FOSDEM
(formerly Debian-only) video team managed to get (on a best effort, “hopefully
the technician doesn’t sleep in after that many beers yesterday” basis) all 445
talks video-taped with the goal of putting these online Monday after the
On top I had the huge advantage of being able to simply follow to the talks my
husband would go to if all of the stuff I am interested in is full: That would
give me insight to completely different topics but also make it extremely easy
for me to identify the good speakers and interesting presentations based on his
experience avoiding the “if I’m unfamiliar with the topic and area I usually
bump into the boring, badly given talks” problem.
I spent most of Saturday in a few talks on software patents, Daniel Naber’s
Language Tool, the Jolla BoF, the FLA. The rest of the time I caught up with the
FSFE (thanks again for the bringing the onesies!), Debian, Open Office, Lucene
and Elasticsearch people. The day ended at the Jolla community dinner - with a
waitress that was completely overwhelmed by the number of geeks wanting food,
beer and soft drinks.
Sunday I started with Chris Kühl’s talk on Memory Tuning Android for Low
Memory Devices. After that I helped at the Elasticsearch booth - FOSDEM definitely is an
incredibly busy event. But given their target audience also is an interesting
mix of people to talk to: Some had no idea about how text search works but came
over because they had heard about Wikipedia using the project for search and
wanted to know more. Some had a very clear idea of how they could benefit from
Lucene for their NLP projects and wanted to know more on how that fits with
Elasticsearch. Others were switching from Solr Cloud and needed some advise on
how the systems compare for their particular use case. Others again were using
Elasticsearch to analyse log files in a
distributed fashion and needed advise on how to implement some feature. There
was this one guy from Debian I’ve known ever since helping at the FSFE booth at
Chemnitzer Linuxtage back in 2008 I believe who wanted to know more about
Elasticsearch because one of his fellow package maintainers had been volunteered
to work on the Elasticsearch RFP (#660826 if you are interested in reading
Overall (as every year) a really pleasant experience. What was in particular
interesting this year was to meet people I knew only from completely other
contexts (CCC events, system administrators, core Apache httpd people). Seems
like FOSDEM is not only growing bigger but also more diverse.
The only kind of feedback I would provide is to split some dev
rooms by finer grained topics to parallelise and scale even better (the Java,
NoSQL and configuration management ones come to my mind first but there probably
are others as well - of course again this depends on room availability and
actual community members volunteering to submit a dev room related to their
project in particular).
I’m glad I’m
travelling home by train like last year - not only does that give me time to
code and write the blog post you are reading just now, it’s also comfortable to
get rid of the usual sleep deprivation :)