ApacheCon EU - part 02 #
For me the week started with the Monday Hackathon. Even though I was there early the room quickly filled up and was
packed at lunch time. I really liked the idea of having people interested in a topic register in advance - it gave the
organisers a chance to assign tables to topics and put signs on the tables to advertise the topic worked on. I’m not
too new to the community anymore and can relate several faces to names of people I know are working on projects I’m
interested in - however I would hope that this little bit of extra transperancy made it easier for newcomers to figure
out who is working on what. Originally I wanted to spend the day continuing to work on an example showing what sort of
pre-processing is involved in order to get from raw html files to a prediction of which Berlin Buzzwords submission is
going to be accepted. (Un-?)fortunately I quickly got distracted and drawn into discussions on what kind of hardware
works best for running an Apache Hadoop cluster, how the whole Hadoop community works and where the problem areas are
(e.g. constantly missing more helping hands to get all things on the todo list done).

The evening featured a really neat event: Committers and Hackathon participants were invited to the committer reception in the Sinsheim technical and traffic museum. One interesting observation: There’s an easy way to stop geeks from rushing over to the beer, drinks and food: Just put some cars, motor cycles and planes in between them and the food ;)