
How hard can it be: Open Source contributions

April 25, 2024
Open Source, InnerSource, contributions, learning

How hard can it be: Open Source contributions # “Sharing is caring - if only more downstream users simply contributed to the open source software that they depend upon.” - a thought that has crossed my mind more than once in the past decades. Except - for your average software engineer in industry “contributing to open source” is anything but simple. In addition it’s anything but obvious why - on top of daily work - one should commit time to open source. ...

Apprenticeship patterns (O'Reilly)

September 23, 2010
software development, apprenticeship patterns, Free Software, book, learning, Hacking

Apprenticeship patterns (O’Reilly) # A few days ago I finished reading the book “Apprenticeship Patterns” - Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman, by Dave Hoover, Adewale Oshineye. The book is addressed to readers who have the goal of becoming great software devleopers. One naive question one could ask is why there is a need for such a book at all? Students are trained in computer science at university, then enter some IT departement and simply learn from their peers. ...