
On Reading Code

August 2, 2012
geecon, Hacking, Video, coding

On Reading Code # “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time or the tools to write.” –Stephen King Quite a while ago GeeCon published the video taped talk of Kevlin Henney on "Cool Code". This keynote is great to watch for everyone who loves to read code - not the one you encounter in real world enterprise systems - but the one that truely teaches you lessons: ...

Berlin Hadoop Get Together - videos are up

March 2, 2012
Berlin, Video, Hadoop, Get Together

Berlin Hadoop Get Together - videos are up # Markus Andrezak on Queue management with Kanban: Queue Management in Product Development with Kanban - enabling flow and fast feedback along the value chain from David Obermann on Vimeo. Martin Scholl on Storm: On Firehoses and Storms: Event Thinking, Event Processing from David Obermann on Vimeo. Fabian Hüske on Stratosphere: Large-Scale Data Analysis Beyond Map/Reduce from David Obermann on Vimeo.