
ApacheCon EU - part 09

November 18, 2012
tfidf, Apache Con, ApacheCon, Lucene, ap, apacheconeu, Solr

ApacheCon EU - part 09 # In the Solr track Elastic Search and Solr Cloud went into competition. The comparison itself was slightly apples-and-oranges like as the speaker compared the current ES version based on Lucene 3.x and Solr Cloud based on Lucene 4.0. During the comparison it still turned out that both solutions are more or less comparable - so choice again depends on your application. However I did like the conclusion: The speaker did not pick a clear winner in terms of projects. ...

ApacheConEU - part 07

November 16, 2012
nutch, Apache Con, ApacheCon, Lucene, gora, apacheconeu, Solr

ApacheConEU - part 07 # Julien Nioche shared some details on the nutch crawler. Being the mother of all Hadoop projects (as in Hadoop was born out of developments inside of nutch) the project has become rather quite with a steady stream of development in the recent past. Julien himself uses the nutch for gathering crawled data for several customer projects - feeding this data into an NLP pipeline based on Behemoth that glues Mahout, UIMA and Gate together. ...

GeeCon - Solr at Allegro

May 25, 2012
Lucene, geecon, Solr

GeeCon - Solr at Allegro # One particularly interesting to me was on Allegro’s (polish Ebay) Solr usage. In terms of numbers: They have 20Mio offers in Poland, another 10Mio active offers in partnering countries. In addition in their index there are 50Mio inactive offers in Poland and 40 Mio closed offers outside that country. They serve 8Mio updates a day, that is 100 updates a second. Those are related to start/end of bidding phase, buy now actions, cancelled bids, bids themselves. ...

Apache Con – last day

November 27, 2010
Solr, ApacheCon, Apache Con, fast, MySQL

Apache Con – last day # Day three of Apache Con started with interesting talks on Tomcat 7, including an introduction to the new features of that release. Those include better memory leak prevention and detection capabilities – the implementation of these capabilities have lead to the discovery of various leaks that appear under more or less weird circumstances in famous open source libraries and the JVM itself. But also better management and reporting facilities are part of the new release. ...

Scaling user groups

May 26, 2010
Lucene, NOSQL, Hadoop, General, Mahout, Berlin Buzzwords, Meetups, Solr, Get Together

Scaling user groups # A few hours ago, Jan Lehnardt posted a link on How to organise a nerd conference - joking that this is how we planned Berlin Buzzwords. Well, it is not exactly that easy - however the comic actually is not so far from the truth either: About two years ago, after having started Apache Mahout together with Grant Ingersoll, Karl Wettin and others, several Apache Hadoop user groups, meetups and get togethers started to pop up all around the world. ...

Berlin Buzzwords - Early bird registration

April 10, 2010
Lucene, NOSQL, Hadoop, Mahout, hbase, Solr, Berlin Buzzwords, Cassandra

Berlin Buzzwords - Early bird registration # I would like to invite everyone interested in data storage, analysis and search to join us for two days on June 7/8th in Berlin for Berlin Buzzwords - an in-depth, technical, developer-focused conference located in the heart of Europe. Presentations will range from beginner friendly introductions on the hot data analysis topics up to in-depth technical presentations of scalable architectures. Our intention is to bring together users and developers of data storage, analysis and search projects. ...

Some pictures

March 25, 2010
Berlin, Solr, Hadoop, Get Together

Some pictures # Uwe and Simon were so kind to take some pictures of the last Hadoop Get Together in Berlin: <img src="/hadoop_march_1.JPG" alt=“Image Hadoop Get Together Berlin” /> <img src="/hadoop_march_5.JPG" alt=“Image Hadoop Get Together Berlin” /> Thanks for the pictures.

Chris Male on spatial search with Lucene

March 16, 2010
Lucene, Video, Solr, Get Together, Spatial

Chris Male on spatial search with Lucene # Last week the March 2010 Hadoop Get Together took place in Berlin. Last speaker was Chris Male on spatial search with Lucene and Solr. The video is now available online: Lucene Chris Male from Isabel Drost on Vimeo. Feel free to share and distribute the video to anyone who might be interested. Thank you Chris, for traveling over from Amsterdam for an awesome talk on spatial search. ...

Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords

March 11, 2010
Lucene, Berlin Buzzwords, Solr, Hadoop, NOSQL

Call for presentations - Berlin Buzzwords # Call for Presentations Berlin Buzzwords Berlin Buzzwords 2010 - Search, Store, Scale 7/8 June 2010 This is to announce the opening of the Berlin Buzzwords 2010 call for presentations. Berlin Buzzwords is the first conference on scalable and open search, data processing and data storage in Germany, taking place in Berlin. The event will comprise presentations on scalable data processing. We invite you to submit talks on the topics: ...

Slides are available

March 11, 2010
Hadoop, Lucene, Spatial, hbase, Solr, Get Together

Slides are available # Slides for the last Hadoop Get Together are available online: Spatial Search by Chris Male HBase Patterns by Bob Schulze Scaling product search with Hadoop and Lucene by Dragan Milosevic My own little introduction, just in case you are interested. Videos will follow as soon as the are ready. Watch this space for further updates.