
Scrum Table with Thoralf Klatt

April 29, 2009
Berlin, Scrum, General

Scrum Table with Thoralf Klatt # On Wednesday, the 22nd of April, about 20 people interested in Scrum gathered in the DiVino in Friedrichshain/Berlin. The event was split in two parts: In the first half we gathered topics participants were interested in, put priorities next the them and discussed the most highly ranked topic: “Scrum in large teams, splitting large tasks across teams." The basic take home messages of the discussion: ...

Scrum Roundtable Berlin

March 9, 2009
Scrum, Event, General

Scrum Roundtable Berlin # Title: Scrum Roundtable Berlin Location: DiVino Restaurant, Grünberger Str. 69, Friedrichshain Link out: Click here<br />Start Time: 18:00 Date: 2009-04-22 The next Scrum Roundtable is scheduled already. Thoralf, will present his speech from the Orlando ScrumGathering Agile Creation of Multi-Product Solutions Motivation for Network Solutions and their Agilility Scaling Single Product Creation Product Solutions using Scrum Customizing Projects Outlook Please let Marion know if you are coming to be able to organise the space. ...

Scrum @ Home

March 8, 2009

Scrum @ Home # Scrum has proven to be a suitable toolset for managing software projects: Large, unmanageable tasks are broken up into little pieces that can be easily estimated in terms of complexity or time necessary for implementation. During a fixed amount of time, several of these tasks are implemented. By looking back at previous iterations it is simple to predict exactly how many items can be expected to be ready after the next iteration. ...

Scrum discussions in Berlin

March 7, 2009
Scrum, Blogroll

Scrum discussions in Berlin # As software development cycles become ever shorter more and more companies adopt agile development methods. In many cases companies have switched to using Scrum or are still transitioning from less flexible approaches. Since last summer Marion Eickmann is organising a Scrum Roundtable in Berlin. The goal is to discuss advantages and problems when introducing and practicing Scrum. But discussions on Scrum itself are also welcome. ...