Chemnitzer Linuxtage

Chemnitzer Linuxtage #

Title: Chemnitzer Linuxtage
Location: Chemnitz
Link out: Click here
Start Date: 2010-03-13
End Date: 2010-03-14

Next week the Chemnither Linuxtage take place in - well - Chemnitz. It is the second largest Linux event after Linuxtag Berlin. However only obvious for speakers and exhibitors: It is one of those events that are known for its fantastic organisation. Nearly no problems, be it WiFi, admission to the exhibitors area, food or any help in general.

I will be at the event again. You can find me at the FSFE booth, telling people what the FSFE is all about and trying to convince them to become fellows (and yes, since last summer, I am a fellow myself and own one of those really cool green crypto cards).