Apache Con Europe 2009 - part 3

Apache Con Europe 2009 - part 3 #

Friday was the last conference day. I enjoyed the Apache pioneers panel with a brief history of the Apache Software Foundation as well as lots of stories on how people first got in contact with the ASF.

After lunch I went to the testing and cloud session. I enjoyed the talk on continuum and its uses by Wendy Smoak. She gave a basic overview of why one would want a CI system and provided a brief introduction to continuum. After that Carlos Sanchez showed how to use the cloud to automate interface tests with Selenium: The basic idea is to automatically (initiated through maven) start up AMIs on EC2, each configured with another operating system and run Selenium tests against the application under development in these. Really nice system for running automated interface tests.

The final session for me was the talk by Chris Anderson and Jan Lehnardt on CouchDB deployments.

The day ended with the Closing Event and Raffle. Big Thank You to Ross Gardler for including the Berlin Apache Hadoop Get Together in newthinking store in the announcements! Will sent the CfP to concom really soon, as promised. Finally I won one package of caffeinated sweets at the Raffle - does that mean less sleep for me in the coming weeks?

Now I am finally back home and had some time to do a quick writeup. If you are interested in the complete notes, go to http://fotos.isabel-drost.de (default login is published in the login window). Looking forward to the Hadoop User Group UK on 14th of April. If you have not signed up yet - do so now: http://huguk.org